Do not think for one minute that the ATF will not come back with ten more ways to turn law abiding gun owners into criminals. On Wednesday night the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) withdrew a proposed guidance that would have reclassified millions of AR-15 style pistols and other weapons with braces that stabilize
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BREAKING NEWS! “Some 90 House members, moving with unusual speed, called this week on the Trump administration’s gun regulators to back off banning one of the most popular firearms used by sports men and women and disabled veterans.” Next step is to eliminate this agency. Some 90 House members, moving with unusual speed, called this
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“We sure are a far cry from “shall not be infringed,” are we not?” U.S.A. – -( “ATF recognizes that before issuance of this notice, there was a misunderstanding by some that a pistol assembled with any item purported to be a stabilizing brace still would be considered a ‘pistol’ regardless of other characteristics,” the Bureau of
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Has to be more than the weather. You think? Kimber Manufacturing is moving its corporate headquarters to Troy and will “aggressively hire” in all departments. The firearms manufacturer last week announced it is moving to a new facility it built last year on 80 acres with more than 225,000 square feet of space, with design
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“Under the stand your ground approach, you don’t lose your legal right to use deadly force in self-defense. The theory is that you shouldn’t have to surrender your right to remain where you lawfully are just because a criminal is threatening you.” Apropos the stand-your-ground vs. duty-to-retreat debate, I thought I’d pass along an interesting case
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If Walmart chose to, they could shield their customer’s information from direct access by ATF. When an FFL closes a location the ATF allows the transfer of documents to a “successor” federal firearm licensed dealer. Walmart could transfer the 4473 records from those stores that are ending sales to another regional store location that still
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‘There is no more time to say “It will never happen” or “They can’t do that”. I’ve been hearing that type of talk for years.’ USA – -( The Republic is in real trouble, what looks like the possibility of a Biden Presidency, unless the courts intervene or President Trump takes extraordinary action, is upon us.
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“A prefiled in the Missouri Senate would take on federal gun control; past, present and future. Passage into law would represent a major step toward ending federal acts that infringe on the right to keep and bear arms within the state.” JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Dec. 15, 2020) – A prefiled in the Missouri Senate would
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“‘Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms’ should be the name of a convenience store, not a federal agency.” The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is a federal law enforcement agency that is not well-received among those who fight to protect our Second Amendment rights. And rightfully so. If Democrats had their way, this agency would
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‘“Following in the abusive footsteps of … repressive regimes, the New Jersey Attorney General has taken a series of actions to suppress Smith & Wesson’s speech,” in order to hurt the company “both financially and reputationally,” the manufacturer wrote.’ The gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson Brands Inc. sued New Jersey this week after the state
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