“Perhaps we are not as lost as our enemies would have us believe. I rejoice in the Maccabees’ success, though it is long past,” Washington had supposedly said. “It pleases me to think that miracles still happen.” Even in the darkest period of a dark year, we are not as lost as our enemies would
Read More“There is a fear of gun control regulation which drives a lot of our consumers to go out and buy firearms,…” Smith & Wesson on Thursday reported major upticks in sales and profit during the quarter leading up to the election of President-elect Joseph Biden. Smith & Wesson, one of the leading gun manufacturers, said
Read MoreAnother attempt to infringe on our Second Amendment rights foiled. For the moment. The governing board in Newtown Connecticut — where the country s deadliest grade school shooting took place — has blocked proposed bans on carrying firearms around town from further consideration. The decision came after the board heard from gun control activists who said they were intimidated
Read MoreNot a big surprise. Violent carjackings in Minneapolis increased 537 percent in November, a jump law enforcement officials called “staggering.” The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that over the last two months, police in Minneapolis reported over 125 carjackings in the city. The surge is largely connected to small groups of teenagers, but the number of adults arrested
Read MoreThe days of corporate banking overlords forcing discriminatory policies on lawful industries is, hopefully, coming to an end. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released a proposed rule that would end the practice of unaccountable banking executives denying firearm industry businesses banking services to force gun control even as they take advantage of
Read More“And with these few guns, the course of Jewish history would change.” It is certain that when NBC decided to produce its miniseries Uprising about the Warsaw ghetto revolt, no one was thinking about Osama bin Laden. Yet the airing of this docudrama, which is based on a true, and truly heroic story, may have a special
Read More“A challenge to the federal ban on gun possession by people convicted of felonies gives SCOTUS a chance to rectify its neglect of the Second Amendment.” For lying on her federal income tax returns, Lisa Folajtar got three years of probation and a lifetime of constitutional disability. Because her crime carried a maximum penalty of
Read MoreGun rights coalition, Allegheny County residents sue over shutdown of county’s firearms division
No response to Covid has anything to do with the spread of the virus. It is government control. A gun rights group and three individuals have sued the Allegheny County sheriff, the county and the state police commissioner over the shutdown of the county’s firearms division and the state’s ban on transporting loaded guns on
Read MoreNot a surprise to us here. An armed society is a polite society. A fundamental adage of the gun control movement is that more gun laws equals less gun crime. The only problem with that belief is that it’s patently untrue. The website WalletHub recently compared more than 180 cities across the country to determine
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