Excellent article from 2017 but still on target and nothing has changed. There are several reasons Second Amendment advocates aren’t running to your side of the argument, and it might not be the ones you think. I’ve seen my friends and colleagues on the Left side of the gun control debate dumbfounded at why Second
Read More“…[former Solicitor General Paul] Clement begins his thorough takedown of New York’s defense by noting that the state has in essence conceded that a right to bear arms outside the home exists, and now they’re just arguing over how much the state can intrude on that right.” In less than a month the Supreme Court
Read MoreSupreme Court declines to take felon’s Second Amendment challenge to lifetime gun ownership ban
“Gun rights groups want federal courts to apply a more strict standard when deciding when laws can prohibit gun ownership. Under that more restrictive approach, states would have to demonstrate a compelling interest and also show that the law was written as narrowly as possible to achieve that government interest.” WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court
Read More“If the right to bear arms was intended to preserve slavery, why did civil-rights leaders insist that black Americans should be armed to protect themselves?” Left-wing academic Carol Anderson’s new book, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America, is all over the news. “The Second Amendment is not about guns — it’s about anti-Blackness,
Read MoreThis was an act of terrorism. Norway’s restrictive gun control laws leaves citizens unable to defend themselves so everyone was a soft target. KONGSBERG, Norway — The bow-and-arrow rampage by a man who killed five people in a small town near Norway’s capital appeared to be a terrorist act, authorities said Thursday, a bizarre and
Read More‘“This is going to say whether or not that right ceases at your front door or it’s allowed to exist beyond that.” ‘He added, “That’s at the very core of the Second Amendment. Shall not be infringed, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . … That’s the impact that this
Read MoreThink this can’t happen? It did. On August 30, 2021 a lawsuit was filed challenging California’s restraining order law and the forced forfeiture of firearms in these instances. The lawsuit was filed by the Second Amendment Law Center and the California Rifle and Pistol Association. The details of what lead up to this complaint are something out of
Read MoreShould be every state. Florida Representative Anthony Sabatini, Dist. 32, has introduced a new bill that would make open carry in public without a permit legal in 2022. Unless open carrying a gun while fishing, range shooting, hunting, or camping, you cannot do so otherwise in Florida. You can even be charged with a crime for accidentally
Read More“By not being in a position to defend self and others from harm is to be in violation of God’s law. It should not take a[nother] tragedy to occur before Jews arm themselves, but should be armed and go through training long before one occurs that could have been prevented by armed Jews.” Before getting
Read MoreAnti-gunners Launch Campaign to Intimidate U.S. Supreme Court as Second Amendment Case Looms
“With a dubious chance of prevailing on the merits, anti-gunners have adopted a tactic of not-so-thinly-veiled threats to delegitimize and even dismantle the U.S. Supreme Court itself if they don’t get their way.” Threats. The way of the Left. For many decades, gun control proponents who saw their fortunes wane in legislatures from coast to
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