“Self-delusion is not the answer. By pretending that the elections of 2022 or 2024 even matter, we’re bypassing the very important task of figuring out what our options really are — including, but not limited to, things like secession and mass civil disobedience. Clear your heads of the denial drivel so you can figure out
Read More“In a nutshell, the measure would ban the manufacture, sale, transfer and importation of 205 firearms (AR-15s, AKs, SCAR-type rifles, pistol-caliber carbines, etc.) by name. Some of those include rimfire rifles like that Armalite M15 22LR and Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22.” U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein might lie about nearly everything related to firearms and
Read MoreSen. Rubio’s red-flag bill would allow ‘temporary’ firearm confiscation and delay due process
Beware of Republicans who support Red Flag legislation. Gun confiscation by another name. Have you ever had a heated argument with your spouse or another family member? Have you ever been through a contentious break-up or divorce? Have you ever said something stupid during the heat of an argument, which you immediately regretted? If you
Read More“Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.” U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “A proposed bill that would require a lock and safe to be purchased when buying a firearm, could minimize the use of stolen firearms, an issue the Medford Police Department (MPD) says they see
Read MoreRep. Andrew Clyde’s Big Idea: Restore Second Amendment and eliminate all taxes on firearms
A true representative of The People. ‘Clyde’s real-world experience has convinced him federal government regulations have gone way too far by infringing on the Second Amendment. The Navy combat veteran now wants to lead the charge in Congress on restoring gun rights and rolling back century-old laws that tax firearms. ‘“I’m very passionate about the
Read MoreAmericans bought guns in record numbers in 2020 during a year of unrest — and the surge is continuing
That’s how things work. When people feel threatened – and we are – we want to defend ourselves. It’s our God-given right and mandate. (CNN)Gun sales in the United States reached a record level last year, with the biggest increases in background checks for firearms overlapping with months of social and political unrest, according to
Read More“Biden is pushing politically divisive measures that would turn the right to keep and bear arms on its head without meaningfully making the nation any safer.” That’s because the goal isn’t to make the nation safer but to turn the right to keep and bear arms on its head. In other words, to disarm law-abiding
Read MoreBoulder’s gun ban ordinance struck down; state preemption, constitutional rights prevail
Constitutional rights prevail. What a magnificent concept. A reminder that this is still America. At least this time. OULDER–A Boulder District Court judge has struck down the City of Boulder’s anti-gun ordinance that made the possession, sale or transfer of semi-automatic, magazine-fed sporting rifles, pistols and ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds illegal. In
Read MoreNow is not the time for impotent tough talk and posturing with weapons at protests. In America, firearm ownership is a right—not a privilege. It is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights and backstopped by the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. Traditional Americans view the Second Amendment as one
Read MoreTyranny is the one, only, and sole goal of all the anti-gun efforts and groups on every single gun control legislation. On an unexpectedly sunny day in a faraway place, four fit, skilled and semi-smart young men decided to augment their combat rations with some fat, tasty-lookin’ fishies stranded in the ebbing elbow of a
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