The CDC now plans to take on “gun violence” as a public health issue. Read: gun control and disarming law-abiding citizens. (CNN)For the first time in decades, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the nation’s top public health agency — is speaking out forcefully about gun violence in America,
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Stopping the import of Russian ammo is just pretending to do something noble. “…restrictions on imports of firearms and ammunition are less likely to hurt well-connected Russian manufacturers, who will almost certainly find buyers elsewhere, than they are to hurt civilian consumers of those goods. Amid social fracture and loss of faith in institutions, American
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Universal background checks will do nothing to make people safe. That is not the goal. The goal of mandating universal background checks is to create a registry for the purpose of confiscating our guns. Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords isn’t a fan of guns. She was at one time when it could benefit her politically. Now,
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Chipman’s confirmation is languishing in the Senate, the anti-gun rights groups are urging Biden to establish a White House office that will not require Senate confirmation. The gun-control lobby is growing impatient. With major gun-control legislation yet to materialize and Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) stalled in
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“The Second Amendment was supposed to protect us from government by dispersing its coercive power among the people. We still adhere to that system today.” The latest gun control hysteria being stoked by the press has revealed an enormous amount of confusion about the role of the Second Amendment as a guarantee of liberty in
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“Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt posted his reaction to the ruling on Twitter, “Breaking: Another huge win. A Missouri judge just ruled in our favor. This time we won defending a new Missouri law protecting our Second Amendment rights.” ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Missouri House Bill 85, also known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act, was
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‘Of all the mass delusions that have been perpetrated upon the American people, the government’s decades-long mission to terrify the public from owning firearms is the most dangerous. Because control ultimately depends upon the threat of force, no person can be free when government alone is armed. This used to be common knowledge in the
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“The case highlights the weakness of a model predicated on the presumption that persons named in a petition are dangerous, and that it is therefore appropriate to strip them of their rights and property without notice or a meaningful opportunity to respond until after the fact. E.P. was obligated to spend time and money to
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[Service members refusing to comply is] ‘one way to continue with the “purge” of the military and will continue to punish naysayers throughout their civilian careers that follow– but it also raises another issue that is more fundamental to freedom. Per ATF: ‘“Identify Prohibited Persons The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. §
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PLEASE READ FYI, from Sam Gabbert at … There has been a lot of people asking me about the sanctions on Russian ammo imports put in place by the US state department this past week and what it means for the future of ammunition supplies. There will be more clarity in several weeks when
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