Voting matters. Politico reported from Cortez, Colorado, “A Glock on her hip and stilettos on her feet, Lauren Boebert stood behind a grocery store and waved as pickups, Harleys and Subarus flying Trump 2020 banners and Thin Blue Line American flags drove by. The procession calls itself the Montezuma County Patriots, a group of locals
Read MoreMoment woman forces suspected arsonist to the ground and holds him at gunpoint outside her Oregon property after she spots box of matches in his hand An Oregon woman held an alleged arsonist at gunpoint until police arrived at the scene after the man claimed he was going to start a fire on her property.
Read MoreI’d like to believe that people who recognize that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety support the right to do so. One big topic this year in the gun world is the boom on firearm sales. For months, gun stores all over the country have been slammed and guns are getting a little
Read More“Can someone tell me where one could purchase a weapon of war?” Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wants to ban “weapons of war” from civilians along with “assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.” Excuse me, Vice President. My AR-15, a modern sporting rifle (MSR), is not a weapon of war. Our soldiers would not fare well with AR-15s.
Read MoreMcCloskey Case | Rare look at prosecutor’s emails reveal improper urgency to charge, attorney says
“Curtis, you need to call me back, I wrote a long email to you trying to ask a bunch of questions, about what you said, some of it was [expletive]. ‘Now we need to straighten this out, because I am about done with this crap,” Hinckley said. ST. LOUIS ( — To some people, the
Read More“Reimagining policing.” Reimagining our Second Amendment. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday called for gun control less than 24 hours after two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies who were critically wounded in Compton after a gunman opened fire on their squad car in an apparent ambush. “Weapons of war have no place in our communities,” the former
Read MoreThe bump stock ban was all about the very slippery slope. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit gave bump stocks new life last week when they ruled to vacate a previous decision that upheld a ban on the devices. A 2-1 panel of the same court had previously upheld the Bureau of
Read More“…Shall not be infringed.” This is infringed. Attorneys General from Washington D.C. and 17 states have signed on to support California’s endangered “no excuses” ban on standard capacity magazines capable of holding 10 or more rounds. The arbitrary ban in the Golden State was torpedoed last month by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit whose majority sided
Read More22-Year-Old Who Had His Arm Partially Blown Off After Pointing a Gun at 17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse’s Head Cries Victim to CNN
While Kyle Rittenhouse is rotting in jail under $2 Million bond for shooting in self-defense, Gaige Grosskreutz–the man who attacked him w/a gun while Kyle was lying on the ground–is free to roam & continue stirring up mayhem. @SamParkerSenate Gaige Grosskreutz, the 22-year-old Kenosha rioter who had his arm partially blown off by Kyle Rittenhouse after
Read MoreYay for my country of birth! Online e-petition e-2574 demanding that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately scrap the gun ban he “undemocratically imposed without debate during a pandemic while Parliament is suspended,” garnered over 230,000 signatures — the most signatures ever gained by petition since the online platform was introduced in 2015. And it’s still open to
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