Love this comment: Colonial and 19th Century Americans didn’t go all freaky at the sight of a gun like liberals do today. On Monday, I wrote about the Supreme Court’s limited cert grant in NYS Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett. At the time, I wondered why the Court limited the question to “concealed-carry licenses.” I speculated that the
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“Biden may make appeals to the hearts of Americans, cheapening two tragedies in the process, but there is nothing compassionate about the Democratic Party’s gun control agenda. The realities of these policies mean depriving millions of Americans of the tools they use for self-defense and hunting—or turning them into fugitives overnight because they cannot afford
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“A society that loses its belief in the importance of manliness qua manliness will necessarily fail to appreciate the virtue of a home- and hearth-protecting paterfamilias. There is a direct, unmistakable connection between the decline of the former and a lessened respect for the latter.” The latest horrific mass shooting in America, this time roughly
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“Passover is called the festival of freedom. Patriots have never been more concerned about the preservation of our freedoms. But the Passover story reminds us that freedom isn’t free.” You think you know the story. Perhaps. But, after more than 70 years, I barely know it myself. There’s the Cecil B. DeMille version: Yul Brenner
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(Sigh) The goal of any and all gun legislation is to drip drip drip disarm law abiding citizens so that we are ultimately defenseless against a tyrannical government. Exactly the reason the Founding Fathers made the right of citizens to bear arms. Colorado has been enacting gun control laws at a rapid clip for years,
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“…But O’Scannlain is surely right that the 9th Circuit’s decision is an outlier. While some appeals court have overturned restrictions on the right to bear arms in public and others have upheld them, the 9th Circuit is the only one to say that right does not exist. Some clarity from the Supreme Court would be
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Larry Elder interviews Author of “More Guns Less Crime” and founder of Crime Prevention Research Center, John Lott.
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The most overturned court. Hoping this trend continues. Time to go to SCOTUS. On Wednesday, an en banc panel of the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled that the second amendment right to keep and bear arms does not citizens include the right to carry a firearm, either openly or concealed, in
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Fact-checking Feinstein on the “Assault Weapons Ban” of 1994: no evidence that this law had reduced overall gun crime or made shootings less lethal.
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Biden has signed 37 Executive Orders. An EO on gun control was inevitable. How convenient to have two mass shootings to make it possible to do this. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s staff was considering executive actions on gun control, in response to recent mass shootings. “We are
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