Hawaii gun owner experience: I bought a gun in Hawaii when I lived there. I had to take an all-day class, wait ten days, get fingerprinted, give my permission to contact the mental-health department of the local hospital to see if I had ever been a patient there, and register my gun with the Police
Read MoreOh, the irony. Mexican officials, assisted by the gun-control group Brady United, filed a lawsuit against several U.S.-based firearm manufacturers alleging that these companies encouraged gun trafficking into Mexico. Mexico seeks $10 billion in damages and injunctive relief. They claim the firearm manufacturers are responsible for the rampant crime, corruption, and uncontrolled murders being committed
Read MoreA new linguistic tool joins the debate. “Corpus analysis.” In Heller and McDonald, two cases decided more than a decade ago, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to own a gun. Neither case presented the issue of carrying a gun — but in the course of interpreting the amendment for his Heller opinion, the
Read MoreIs it fair that only the richest in America can afford to defend their lives, while others are left to wait for help? For years, Allyson Hottinger feared each day would be her last. The Arkansas-based, single mother of two had long been embroiled in a toxic relationship defined by domestic violence. But even with
Read MoreA wonderful article for you. He was the last one. Like the dodo, the Tasmanian tiger, the passenger pigeon, or the Great Auk, William Strickland was the very last of his species. Mr. Strickland was the last of my close personal friends who served in World War II, and now he’s gone. I’m honestly struggling
Read MoreTheir “final solution” depends on a disarmed populace. Even though Joe Biden’s nomination of David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has “issues” according to one senior Democrat, and is stalled in a Senate committee, the Biden/Harris Administration has started weaponizing the ATF without waiting for the president’s embattled nominee
Read MoreSingling out and stigmatizing “morally tainted” gun owners is one strategy being used to publicly humiliate, ostracize and ultimately “cancel” them. U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- One of the sources I consult to find topics to help keep gun owners apprised of relevant information is Academia.edu, a website that hosts research papers. Included among those are many papers dealing
Read More“These postings are a shot at the 2nd Amendment and are just altogether unconstitutional. How are law-abiding citizens supposed to not only feel but know they can protect themselves from harm when there are obstacles like this?” Virginia rest stops are the new locations of unconstitutional postings thanks to “No Guns” signs that are now present.
Read MoreThe only reason the Biden admin is doing this now is to further restrict our ability to defend ourselves. Against them. Americans, already facing an ammo shortage, will soon no longer be able to purchase Russian-made ammunition. The Biden Administration announced on Friday it would stop approving new permits to import Russian-made ammo and guns.
Read MoreThe entire country should be Constitutional Carry. That’s why we have a Constitution. Constitutional carry is and should be the goal for pretty much every state in the nation that doesn’t have it yet. Right now, though, a lot of states do have it. However, there are still a lot of states that don’t have
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