Gun control legislation has nothing to do with stopping crime. One, criminals by definition break laws. And, two, gun control laws are about disarming and controlling law-abiding citizens. Although many Americans favor expanding background checks for gun purchases, gun-control measures in Congress have failed to garner enough votes to pass. In contrast, some state legislatures
Read MoreFirearms manufacturing expanding! Henry Repeating Arms, a rifle and shotgun maker, is adding a new property to its Wisconsin operations. Henry said in a statement this week that its new facility is an 84,000-square-foot building on 13.5 acres in Ladysmith. The large plot of land will allow the company to expand to facility in the
Read MoreOnce more snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… U.S.A. – -( “Red flags in H.R. 1620 up for negotiation,” Gun Owners of America alerted members earlier this month. “[GOA] has been fighting against a new form of ‘red flag’ gun confiscation orders in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act or VAWA since 2019, when
Read MoreIsn’t the point of guns being lethal? Justice Clarence Thomas, among others, has referred to our Second Amendment rights as being “second-class” rights. Namely, they’re treated as if they are somehow worthy of restrictions we would accept on no other right protected by our Constitution. While guns and speech are different, our right to use
Read More“The American Rescue Plan is pitched by The White House as a direct relief to Americans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s looking more like a cash infusion on the taxpayer’s dime to push a gun control agenda.” U.S.A. -( Remember that American Rescue Plan signed by President Joe Biden that sent $1,400 checks to support
Read MoreSCOTUS takes up the first 2A case in 10 years. Below is my column in the Hill on the makings of a blockbuster case in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, the first major gun rights case before the Supreme Court in ten years. Justices have been openly discussing a case
Read MorePa. Supreme Court Says Gun Rights Groups Can Sue Municipalities That Enact Gun Safety Laws In Violation Of State’s Preemption Laws
Major victory for gun rights. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — In a major legal victory for gun rights organizations, the state Supreme Court has upheld the right of organizations and individuals to sue municipalities that enact gun safety measures. Pennsylvania has a state preemption law that forbids municipalities from enacting their own gun legislation. But many communities
Read MoreTHIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN LIGHT OF THE EFFORTS TO DISARM LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS IN THE NAME OF “GUN SAFETY”. THERE IS NOTHING SAFE FOR A DISARMED POPULACE. History has shown us again and again that when a nation is disarmed by their government, tyranny follows. Adolph Hitler famously said, “To conquer a nation,
Read More‘The Patriots at Lexington and Concord who refused government arms confiscation orders were all criminals in the eyes of the law. Coincidentally, their firearms all qualified as “ghost guns.”’ U.S.A. – -( “Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart announced proposed legislation on Thursday that would ban the sale and possession of ghost guns,” Fox 2 reported Friday. “Sheriff Dart
Read MoreBow and Arrow-free zones needed. Steve mentioned a bizarre news story out of a small town in Norway, where an apparently deranged individual armed with a bow and arrows killed five people and wounded three others. The case is now generating controversy because police were quickly alerted to the threat, but were unable to stop the murderer because they
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