‘Mark Kelly, the celebrity poster child used by Colorado Democrats to testify on behalf of universal background checks, where he lied about the number of guns bought in Colorado without one, had his recent straw purchase of an AR-15-style “assault” weapon rescinded by the Tucson, Arizona gun store that sold it to him.’ Mark Kelly,
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Judge Moore: “if anyone thinks the district court is going to have the last say on this, they’re kidding themselves. Come on.” Some judges aren’t playing their games. A federal judge on Friday declined to combine the four lawsuits currently pending before different judges that challenge the constitutionality of gun restrictions in Boulder County and
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How do they determine whether a particular purchase is “suspicious”? Doesn’t matter. Every purchase at a gun retailer will be considered suspicious. Rep. Elise Stefanik and other Republicans say the new code would work around legal protections prohibiting firearm registries House Republicans are asking credit card giants if they support a plan to make it easier to track
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The end game. “Activists shareholders have been pressuring corporate executives to follow their ESG goals for years and are now armed with a distinct merchant code for firearms retailers, they have the means to single out these retailers and to pressure the financial industry to radically alter the terms of their relationship or to stop
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I’m sure any of us could create such a list of regrets. THIS STORY is about guns I sold for one reason or another and have regretted selling ever since. I confess that I did a similar piece for Gun Digest in the early 1980s, except instead of writing about my own guns, I wrote about firearms that
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No need to repeal the 2A. Just chip away at any and every way to obtain a gun and ammo and any related accessories until the 2A is just a bunch of hollow meaningless toothless words. And for those who are going to comment about reloading, do not for a moment assume they haven’t thought
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“The NYPD seems to be all too happy to enforce the Constitutionally dubious law. Leaked documents obtained by Project Veritas showed the NYPD would assume anyone carrying a firearm is carrying that gun unlawfully until proven otherwise. This assumption of guilt also seems to run afoul of probable cause since the police will use the
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Very important informative video from Armed Attorneys. Know the law.
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Another Heller legal win for 2A. For the second time in less than a year, the District of Columbia is amending its gun laws in the face of a legal challenge from Dick Heller. The Chief of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department on Wednesday adopted an emergency repeal of the city’s ban on carrying more
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More on the merchant category coding for purchases from gun stores. Because criminals always not only legally buy guns but also pay with credit cards. Gun control groups are pulling back the curtain to reveal that their plan to add a firearm and ammunition-specific merchant category code (MCC) for gun retailers isn’t about tracking guns. It’s about tracking you. Andrew
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