“Well, I am not surprised that things are even worse probably than they were when I and some others were stalked. And if you have a kid that is on the line, it’s worse. Lost Angles Country has their Victims’ Bill of Rights, which is then ignored by the agencies supposedly enforcing it.
Then there is the attitude that led to AB 109 and SB 57, which hates the idea that criminals should be incarcerated. Those who live behind armed security and have no worries about criminals don’t deal with the results of their compassion.
You may recall my endorsement of Brian Suits as an intelligent, sane man. A couple of weeks ago he got into a nightmare with LA County “law enforcement” and “child protection” drones. If you want to listen to the podcast where he describes this situation, here’s the link: (https://www.podparadise.com/Podcast/1243133549)
True to the “toxic male” he is, he talks eloquently about females in such a position have to deal with, and how progressives who want citizens disarmed not only won’t protect you but actively avoid telling you anything about how to take self-defense measures against a nutter. It appears their idea of a victim is the aggressor, not the target, but decide for yourself.” – George Schirtzinger