Kyle Rittenhouse has used his fame to become a spokesman for the Second Amendment Kyle Rittenhouse has launched a YouTube channel. The channel’s first video, posted Sunday, includes a clip of the now-19-year-old wearing a “Don’t Tread On Me” T-shirt and firing a handgun at targets. A second clip shows Rittenhouse wearing a camouflage shirt
Read MoreThe ATF Is Getting More Power H.R. 8460 ATF Improvement And Modernization Act of 2022
The House has introduced a bill, H.R. 8460 that loosens restrains on the ATF, creates a central database and increases funding for the agency. The ATF should be disbanded. So this government is expanding their powers and adds additional funding.
Read More“It appears that San Jose is finally getting around to setting forth how it plans to violate its citizens constitutional right to keep and bear arms … these excessive fines are San Jose’s first crack at this and clearly demonstrate that San Jose wants to disarm its citizens and if they cannot do it by
Read MoreYes, he really said this. Natalie Barden, whose brother was killed in the December 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School attack, urged Biden to “address ‘high capacity’ magazines” and asked what he is currently do to limit those magazines. Biden responded by saying he is going to push to ban ‘assault weapons’ after the midterm elections
Read More“Criminals don’t typically carry an arsenal like a character in Call of Duty. They only use one gun at a time. Selling extra guns doesn’t do anything except put cash in their pockets. They’re still walking around and able to hurt people.” Philadelphia is a rough city in this day and age. It’s not the
Read MoreBruen. The poison fruits of New York’s one-party-rule hoplophobic hissy fit of a gun control law that was enacted after the state lost bigly in the landmark Bruen case continue to be plucked from the gun control tree. Yesterday a New York District Court judge issued a restraining order blocking the state from enforcing its ban on carrying firearms in churches, synagogues and other houses
Read MoreBlack market boom. Canadians are no longer allowed to buy, sell, or transfer legally-owned handguns after a “freeze” on the firearms took effect on Friday. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had previously announced the freeze back in May, which ironically (though unsurprisingly) led to a spike in sales in the months since. At a news conference in British Columbia on
Read MoreThe data the FBI uses to make the claim that CCW holders rarely stopped active shooters is wrong. Intentionally wrong, IMO. Many will fall for it. But what is really important – critically important – is to understand that the Second Amendment is for citizens to be able to defend against a tyrannical government. Keep
Read More“A fair assessment would conclude they are deliberately committing malpractice.” U.S.A. – -( “Firearm sales in the United States broke records at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,” U.S News & World Report notes. “Now, researchers have found that firearm injuries to children also increased during the pandemic’s first two years compared to the preceding year.” A reasonable conclusion
Read MoreThe withholding of information and the blatant misinformation is the problem and what we need to be answered. U.S.A. –-( The Las Vegas attack in 2017 brings with it more questions than answers. One of the most curious components of this horrible act was the narrative buildup around bump stocks. If you believe the press propaganda, you
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