The ATF – and the other alphabet agencies – have learned they can continue to be lawless and unconstitutional and get away with it. And, by getting away with it, I mean that both parties will do nothing of substance and I’m not all that confident about our justice system. During the 30 years that
Read MoreAnother attempt at a federal gun rights grab this time against those who have taken on the responsibility of defending out nation. It takes a certain amount of brazenness to put the responsibility of defending the nation on a young American and then, in the next breath, demand they forfeit those freedoms they are literally
Read More“When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” And, by outlaws, the government is included. In case you missed it, France entered into a pseudo-civil war this past weekend. Rioters took to the streets, destroyed billions of dollars in local property, violent criminals pulled out their illegal guns, and there was nothing the average
Read MoreThe Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has way over-stepped it’s authority. The actions are unconstitutional and must be defunded and abolished. Don’t believe for a minute that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) ‘zero-tolerance’ policy isn’t real or some “right-wing conspiracy.” The first nine-months of statistics are in and
Read MoreThis is a controversial article for some which some will find difficult. Please read with an open mind. After the notorious Tulsa police shooting last month, Officer Betty Shelby claimed she shot an unarmed, high-on-PCP suspect partly due to “auditory exclusion”. That is, she fired because she thought the suspect was reaching for a weapon, but
Read MoreDo not be puzzled by the first few paragraphs about why this article is posted here. Read to the end. In a recent series in the Connecticut Mirror, Riju Das delivers many cogent arguments for more gun control, accurately pointing out the number of senseless mass killings, murders and accidental deaths in the United States caused by
Read MoreEarlier this year, Gun Owners of America leaked internal ATF documents, highlighting an unprecedented rate of Federal Firearms Licenses revoked by the Biden administration’s ATF. In fact, since the enactment of ATF’s Zero Tolerance policy, there has been a 200% increase in FFL revocations. This is due to the agency’s new interpretation of the word
Read MoreThe ATF’s plan to do away with the supply. Relates to FFLs. Must watch video from Washington Gun Law
“The goal is absolute civilian disarmament and they have come up with a way through the termination of the supply chain to do exactly that.”
Read MoreIf you’re part of a group that may well be targeted by someone simply because you’re part of that group, it’s probably a good idea to take steps to protect yourself. Anti-semitism, homophobia, racism, and so many other forms of hatred are, unfortunately, real and if you’re someone who is concerned about any of those,
Read MoreDaniel Banyai, who has been feuding with the town of Pawlet, Vermont over his 30-acre shooting range since 2013, has decided to demolish his private Slate Ridge range, rather than face an indefinite prison sentence. Banyai, who also operates an organic farm at the same location, made the decision for the welfare of his animals, according to
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