What if the bigger lie is that the Second Amendment allows for prior restraint infringements on gun purchases in the first place? (ATF/Facebook) U.S.A. — “This is how we end ‘gun violence,’” a reader reacting to my recent AmmoLand piece about anti-gun Democrat Rep. and possible Dianne Feinstein replacement Katie Porter wrote to me. That article speculated on domestic violence
Read MoreThey want to murder as many people as possible to show how easy it is to murder many people. While mass murderers are as likely to be mentally deranged environmentalists as they are to be Muslims (most do not show political affiliation), some have made clear they favored keeping guns from the general public. It is the
Read MoreRICHMOND, Virginia – A Federal District Court judge in Virginia has declared the federal prohibition of handguns being transferred to gun owners under 21 by federal firearms licensees (FFLs) unconstitutional. The case, Fraser v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), was brought by four Virginia men between the ages of 18 and 20 who wanted
Read MoreNY Budget Includes $10M to Help Police with Red Flag Petitions, After 2 Upstate Judges Declare Law Unconstitutional
“When a judge issues an Extreme Risk Protection Order,” adds White Plains attorney Peter Tilem, “what he’s doing is he is authorizing the police to go to a person’s house, break down their door in the middle of the night, drag them out of bed, and remove all the guns from the house.” Leaving the
Read More“With antisemitic hate crimes on the rise [never went away], Orthodox Jewish women are packing heat to defend their communities.” More common in the orthodox community than you might think. And not limited to the orthodox Jewish communities. The first thing Mushka Lowenstein does after saying her morning prayers, adjusting her wig, and serving her
Read More“Life is a compromise and so is the .380 ACP.” Massad Ayoob is answering your questions. One question we received was, “Is .380 enough?” Massad looks at the Lehigh Defense Xtreme Defense Solid Copper Bullet. When it comes to .380, ammunition selection is even more important. The right combination of stopping power and penetration is
Read More“Criminals should live in fear, not citizens.” This shouldn’t even have to be said. Unfortunately, with “gun-free zones”, massive relentless efforts to disarm lawful citizens, and criminalizing those who defend themselves while failing to charge/releasing criminals, it is the citizen who lives in fear and the criminal is free to harm citizens. Who benefits from
Read MoreHigh potential for abuse. Vermont’s new law and others like it are — by design — so overly broad and vague they could easily be used to force almost any private range out of business. It’s all about the definitions. After all, we’ve seen how one man’s political protest can become another’s insurrection. Neighbors complained about
Read MoreLimits on Gun Ownership May Result in Tyranny (From Gun Control, P 123-130, 1992, Charles P Cozic, ed. — See NCJ-160164)
Annotation The primary purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure that should a tyrannical power overtake the Nation, Americans will be able to defend themselves; because this danger always exists, gun control should be prohibited. Abstract The necessity of an armed populace was so unanimously advocated in the early Republic that it played a
Read MoreWe are already felons by this action from the ATF. U.S.A. — In a heated exchange during the House Judiciary Committee’s Oversight hearing of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on April 26th, Chairman Jim Jordan questioned ATF Director Steven Dettelbach on the upcoming deadline for pistol brace owners. On May 31st, 2023, millions
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