“SHMIRAT HA-GOUF” – HEBREW PROVERB Yaakov (Jacob) one of the Jewish nation’s forefathers exemplified a fundamental Torah principle: preparation. He took both spiritual and practical measures to protect his family and nation from an attack from his brother Eisov (Esau). First, Jacob prayed for deliverance and protection, second, he appeased Esau with gifts, and third, he
Read More“The lesson here is as old as government. You cannot subjugate your citizens if they are armed, trained, supplied, and unwilling to be subjugated. Every despot in history has demonstrated this knowledge. The first thing they have all done is to remove weapons from the ordinary citizenry. Our founding fathers knew this well. This is
Read MoreThis government is relentless in its efforts to ban the AR pistol – one of the most popular firearms in America. It is likely headed to the Supreme Court. Given the history of the current disappointing makeup of SCOTUS, I don’t have a warm fuzzy feeling. Four of the nation’s top gun control advocates have
Read MoreIt’s good they are doing this and a sad commentary on why they have come to this now. NEW YORK CITY (WABC) — Hundreds of bodega owners across New York City are now armed with guns. The bodega owners say violent thefts continue to plague their businesses, and they need to protect themselves, their employees, and
Read MoreThe Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is under fire after reportedly breaking the law to inflate status and salaries of administrative staffers. According to Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, ATF improperly and deliberately misclassified thousands of administrative positions as “law enforcement” for decades, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. “According to legally
Read MoreNothing says ‘Never Again’ like an Armed Jew. Every single major city in the United States has a Holocaust memorial. But the best memorial for the Holocaust is an Armed Jew. Memorials have never stopped Nazis. Armed Jews have. In the Holocaust, being non-threatening stopped being a defense mechanism. The defense mechanism that Jews had
Read More“New Mexico Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham held a recent press conference to praise herself for implementing dubious gun control measures,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation reported. “‘I won’t rest until we don’t have to talk about (gun violence) as an epidemic and a public health emergency,’ the governor said.” If a prominent politician declares an
Read MoreWith Judge Benitez, those pushing for a disarmed population have found a jurist who is knowledgeable about firearms and firearms history, who rigorously does his homework and applies the law as the Constitution and the Supreme Court require. Meanwhile, Professor Donohue is exposed as either a freedom-hating ant-gun hack or just ignorant and in no
Read More“As long as evil persists, there will always be a need for good people to defend themselves and their loved ones,” the letter stated. “Not only does BIS’s pause on firearms export licenses leave people even more vulnerable, but it will also push buyers to look elsewhere to meet their customers’ demands.” It was an
Read MoreAn 1834 law had banned “war”weapons, essentially restricting civilians to shotguns, hunting-caliber rifles, and some handguns. “In 1935, the government required the registration of non-hunting guns….in 1940, to carry out German collaboration, authorities had easy access to any gun-registration records the French had collected since the 1935 decree” In the course of writing Decline and Fall
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