“Whether Illinois’ categorical ban on millions of the most commonly owned firearms and ammunition magazines in the nation, including the AR-15 rifle, violates the Second Amendment.” “A gun rights group representing over two million members and activists has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Illinois’ strict rifle ban is constitutional,” Fox News reports. “Gun
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The D.C. area’s largest police force wound up being in the firearms business. For at least seven months in 2020 and 2021, the D.C. area’s largest police department was the only legal gun dealer in the nation’s capital. It was the only place D.C. residents could legally get a handgun. That much was reported at
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If you can’t change the facts, change the public’s perception of the facts. Anti-gun politicians whose constituents express concerns about crime and public safety respond with the narrative that it’s a gun problem rather than a problem of lawbreakers and criminals, a message that is amplified and reinforced by an accommodating mainstream media. The national media’s hostility
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Crime causes chaos and fear. Makes people more controllable. That’s the plan. Should be obvious by now. Contrary to the arguments and false logic on the left, gun control fuels spikes in violent crime. The recent push by Canada to ban handguns is a telling case study, and voters and policymakers here in the U.S. would be
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Operation Fast and Furious,’ a plan by the government to prevent illegal US weapons from entering Mexico, had the opposite effect: It boosted smuggling and violent crime. (Which was the plan all along.) It was Jan. 18, 2011, in Phoenix, Ariz., and Peter Forcelli, a special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
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“The so-called ‘assault weapons’ ban bill is the most concerning, but they all have tragic consequences for law-abiding citizens. The ‘assault weapons’ bill is incredibly deceptive. They want to ban not only every kind of ‘scary’ gun like ARs and AKs, but also 80-90% of semi-automatic firearms popular today, including handguns and shotguns,” This bill
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Who and how would such a determination be made? This is frightening insane. US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor declined to put on hold a New York City licensing rule requiring prospective gun owners to show good moral character to own a firearm. In rejecting a stay request on Thursday relating to a district court
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The history of “Gun Control”. In 1911, Turkey instituted gun control. Between 1915 and 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, no longer able to defend themselves, were rounded up and massacred. This does not include the hundreds of thousands of Greeks and islanders who were also executed. In 1929, the Soviet Union instituted gun control. Between 1929
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Very unwise tweet by one Michigan state police officer. Pushback was heavy. A Michigan State Police Public Information Officer has found himself in the hot seat after a tweet quoting him making disparaging remarks about concealed pistol license holders appeared in recent days. F/Lt. Mike Shaw, a public information officer (PIO), made a statement that
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