“Two kinds of pain: The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. We can avoid one, but never both! “Fate makes no appointments, nor does it wait! You have to be alert and ready the instant it arrives.” ~ Anon. Shopping mall stabbing in Sidney, Australia, Saturday, 13 Apr 2024. Six unsuspecting, innocent shoppers were murdered
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But if a woman has a gun, it doesn’t matter how much bigger and stronger her misogynistic attacker is. All that will do for him is give him a bit more center mass for her to aim at. We’ve talked about the mass stabbing in Sydney already, especially the claims that “hundreds would have been killed”
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Gun store owner supports Biden’s Background Check Rule for the non-existent “gun show loophole”. Shocked at backlash. “6 News spoke with the owner of a local outdoor shop” who approves of Biden administration rule to “close the gun show loophole,” Johnstown PA NBC affiliate WJAC-TV reported Saturday. “Thomas Engle is the owner of Hunter’s Warehouse in
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Pull quote: Always remember to double-check the rules and regulations of the state you are flying out of and into. There’s nothing worse than discovering that you were completely legal in Florida and are now subject to felonious arrest in NYC upon landing. With rules and regulations changing frequently regarding traveling with firearms, who better
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Democrats and Republicans “sparring” is exactly what the Founding Fathers wanted. And that’s good for America. Arizona Republicans and Democrats traded insults over the status of a legislative proposal that would increase restrictions on firearms across the state. Earlier this month, Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes expressed her outrage over the Legislature’s failure to consider HB
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The devil is in the details. Comments make good points. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed, with bipartisan support, H.R. 6492, the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act. The bill, introduced by U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), garnered 51 bipartisan cosponsors. The measure was approved in a voice vote, a rare demonstration of
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This article should be put to memory by all Americans who have a recollection of freedom from tyranny. The Weimar Republic’s well-intentioned gun registry became a tool for evil. Nothing says Never Again like an Armed Jew. The perennial gun-control debate in America did not begin here. The same arguments for and against were made
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“It’s fair criticism to say that some pro-gun advocates are sometimes too ideologically rigid, even about proposals that would not affect defense, hunting, or any other exercise of the right to arms. It’s equally fair to say the same is true sometimes for some anti-gun advocates. Endangering school safety to score a culture war win
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China is deliberately allowing the export of deadly devices that turn handguns into machine pistols as it seeks to destabilize the US with street warfare.” The Biden administration is turning a blind eye to the import of Chinese-made devices that turn handguns into machine pistols, according to a new book, as Beijing deliberately tries to sow chaos
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“The expansion of point-of-sale background checks allows the government to better ascertain the location of all guns in America by enlarging the paper trail on firearms.” Why does the government need to ascertain the location of all guns in America. And the owners. A proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
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