“In today’s decision, the District Court judge agreed that the ATF rule was illegal and likely to be rejected by other courts. The case is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court, those involved said. For now, it is legal to have the pistols — AR style or others — equipped with stabilizing arm braces.”
Read MoreThe Trace is a pro-gun control, anti-gun rights organization. It’s important to know what one’s adversaries are up to. “But the opinion could buoy the regulation of auto sears, commonly referred to as Glock switches. The ATF has also said that those devices transform a semiautomatic weapon into a machine gun. In a footnote, the majority opinion
Read MoreConsidered by many to be the worst Supreme Court ruling in history, Dred Scott v. Sandford does have some value, especially when people say stupid things such as the individual-right interpretation of the Second Amendment only began with the District of Columbia v. Heller decision in 2008. Dred Scott v. Sandford 60 U.S. 393 (1857)
Read MoreCovenant Killer Audrey Hale Used Federal Pell Grant Funds to Buy Guns She Used in March 2023 Mass Shooting at Christian School
Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale reportedly used funds from a federal Pell Grant to buy the guns she used to perpetrate a mass shooting in March 2023. 99.7 WTN afternoon radio host Brian Wilson reported Wednesday that Hale “took money from an education grant she received to purchase her weapons and to pay for training at
Read MoreArmed St. Louis Couple, that MSM Tried But Failed To Cancel, has Convictions Expunged. Demand Guns Back
Good luck with that. n a significant development, a judge has expunged the misdemeanor convictions of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who famously stood armed outside their mansion during a 2020 protest. This decision not only clears their criminal records but also ignites a new chapter in their ongoing battle to reclaim
Read MoreAlec Baldwin and Christian Bale have a fair bit in common. Both are well-known actors and both have been accused of being particularly volatile, particularly after recordings of them going off surfaced. Both actors have done some really great work that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. But there are some profound differences. For example, one is going
Read MoreFlorida’s Inspiration Academy has had armed staff for more than a decade. When Eddie and Claire Speir founded Inspiration Academy 11 years ago, not arming teachers wasn’t even a consideration. “It was because of Columbine. We were in a spiritual war — we still are — and some people were crazy. We knew it was our duty
Read MoreYes, wonderful news. Sadly, another Israeli soldier, Ch.-Insp. Arnon Zamora, 36, was killed. We must honor his life and the lives of all the soldiers killed in this war. One of the best ways is for Israel to change her draconian senseless gun laws. Israelis serve in the military and are firearms trained in long
Read More“A gentleman got on and said sorry to say we have no units to send you…then there was an awkward pause,” she said. “He also recommended I call my alderman, and I said why- and he said encourage him to hire more police. The dispatcher also asked me if I would consider defending myself …if
Read MoreI use this video in the firearms training classes I organize. It’s a great training video. Makes a lasting impression.
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