He may be forgotten, but he’s not gone. And can still inflict plenty more damage on America. President Joe Biden unveiled executive actions on Thursday intended to reduce gun violence. The new executive actions have two primary aims. One is to reduce the trauma and maximize the effectiveness of school shooting drills. Stand with Parkland
Read MoreGun control activists had plenty of terrible hot takes after the most recent attempt to assassinate Trump. Amy Swearer took the time to debunk three of the worst offenders. Donald Trump by all accounts survived another assassination attempt earlier this month when Secret Service agents engaged a rifle-wielding man lying in wait in bushes adjoining a hole
Read MoreVice President Kamala Harris supported a 2005 ballot measure that banned San Francisco residents from possessing pistols. The Democratic presidential nominee backed Proposition H in her role as the city’s District Attorney at the time. The measure banned San Francisco residents from buying, selling, or even possessing handguns. With exceptions included for active-duty law enforcement, military, and
Read More“Michael Ciemnoczolowski, a lifelong Democrat, supports stricter gun laws and contributes to Sandy Hook Promise, a gun-violence-prevention nonprofit,” The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. “But this summer, the liquor store clerk in Iowa City, Iowa, for the first time in his life bought a gun. Apprehension about street crime, armed right-wing extremists, and ‘whatever else the
Read MoreChina’s New Export Restriction Choke Hold on Critical U.S. Ammunition Components, Are You Prepared?
The cost of out-sourcing will always come back to bite. The recent decision by China to halt the export of two critical components —nitrocellulose and antimony— has raised alarms within the U.S. ammunition manufacturing industry and among defense experts. These materials are indispensable in the production of propellant powder and primers, and their restriction threatens to create
Read MoreWhen shooting you must learn to be in the moment only. Zen And The Art Of Combat Pistol Shooting “The author’s name is Massod Ayoob. You can find a lot of his articles in “Combat Handguns” magazine. He is also the founder of “Lethal Force Institute” located somewhere in the North Eastern U.S.” Zen has
Read MoreReholstering in the bathroom. The US Secret Service has been in a long, slow decline for years. Jump into the Wayback Machine and set it for 2012. Here we are, down Cartagena way, where a bunch of agents engaged a score of Colombian hookers for a night of fun, frivolity, and sexually transmitted diseases. That, however, was
Read MoreThe best locations for staging firearms differ as much as firearm preferences. Far too many home invasions have one thing in common: The attack starts as one of the exterior doors is breached and only then do the residents realize they are under attack. This is when the dreaded “Run-For-Your-Life” begins, when one of the
Read More“And in classic case of unintended consequences, the 1994 “assault weapons” ban is probably what made the AR15 the most popular rifle in the country.” Marking the recent anniversary of the Clinton “assault weapons” ban, I circled back to McWhirter and Elinson’s American Gun: The True Story of the AR-15. The chapter on the halfhearted efforts to renew the expiring
Read MoreObama-Appointed Judge: Short-Barreled Rifles and Machine Guns Not Protected by Second Amendment
“machine guns are highly ‘dangerous and unusual weapons’ that are not ‘typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes’ … the Second Amendment does not apply to machine guns.” District of Hawaii Judge, Derrick Kahala Watson, has decided that short-barreled rifles and machine guns are not protected by the Second Amendment in United States v. Chan.
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