The Democrats always reveal their intentions. Never underestimate them regardless of how ridiculous they sound. FYI: Here are some facts to know before commenting: “George W. Bush declared 13 emergencies and Barack Obama declared 12 — nearly all of which are still active today. Bill Clinton declared 17 national emergencies, six of which are still
Read MoreTolerating Republican Betrayals on Guns Only Encourages More Turncoats U.S.A. – -( “[T]here is a push to pass an ‘assault weapons’ ban via a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution,” a Monday Florida Shooters Network report warns. “This is being spearheaded by Ban Assault Weapons NOW (BAWN), a bipartisan group of gun-grabbers made up of Republican and Democrat
Read MoreNew Mexico county becomes ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ in protest of gun control legislation
The Second Amendment is what made America a sanctuary for the right of citizens to bear arms. A small county in eastern New Mexico declared itself a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County” on Wednesday in protest of pending gun control legislation in the state. The Quay County Commission voted unanimously to pass the resolution, Albuquerque’s KRQE-TV reported. The state’s House Republicans
Read More“Williamson County State’s Attorney Brandon Zanotti said state Sen. Julie Morrison’s bill to ban common firearms would turn law-abiding citizens in his county into felons.” Even if lawmakers pass a bill that bans assault weapons in Illinois, a state’s attorney in southern Illinois says he won’t enforce it. Williamson County State’s Attorney Brandon Zanotti said
Read MoreVenezuela military is loyal to the dictator, Maduro. This is the scenario that is the intent of the Second Amendment. Washington — Representatives of National Assembly President Juan Guaidó, who has been recognized by the U.S. and more than four dozen countries as Venezuela’s legitimate leader, believe the humanitarian aid being dispatched to the crisis-stricken South
Read MoreMax Cooper Survival If you are not an active participant in the defense of your rights, you will end up with none. The fight is going on right now against your rights whether you believe it or not. The instigators of this fight are using your apathy against you! It is happening right now! There
Read MoreBeware “Bipartisan” legislation. New Jersey – -( As a New Jersey small business owner, I’m painfully familiar with government red tape. As a New Jersey gun owner, I’m painfully familiar with the government’s distrust and overregulation of a Constitutionally protected right. Now the 119th Congress is aspiring to pour more salt in that wound in the name
Read MoreIn his State of the Union Address President Trump proclaimed: “America will never be a socialist country. We were born free and we will stay free.” This was in response to the orgy of media adulation of socialist goofball Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Cloud cuckoo-land proposals. Nothing succeeds like failure. Socialism has an unblemished record
Read MoreHow to get yourself killed – keeping an empty chamber in a concealed carry gun… I’ve got a couple New Year’s resolutions… for safety purposes. Below I will offer 5 reasons NOT to carry a gun with an empty chamber. First, I’m going to make sure my car doesn’t have any gas in it until
“Gun training and first aid training should go hand-in-hand.” Blood oozes out of the open wound, trailing down his hand and dripping onto the floor. He holds his hand up in the air and follows me to my shooting stall. I quickly reach for the 5.11 Tactical backpack that serves as my range bag, unzipping
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