The gun control section of the draft 2020 Democratic platform is an escalation of the anti-gun position put forward in the 2016 platform, adding and expounding upon the positions in the earlier document. Both are notable for what they omit. Neither recognizes that Americans have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms The national
Read MoreFrom my friend, Alex Kozinski: The district judge, Benitez, decided a different case where he held that the buyer pre-approval requirement for buying ammo in California violated the Second Amendment, but a Ninth Circuit motions panel stayed the injunction, so that law continues in effect. But this opinion (assuming it doesn’t go en banc) will
Read MoreVia 2A Cops – Cops Supporting Gun Rights
Read MoreI love this so much! For America. “The three-judge panel ruled that the ban violates the Second Amendment.” The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday threw out a California law banning high-capacity ammunition magazines, ruling that the measure violates citizens’ constitutionally protected right to bear arms. The ban, passed in the wake of mass
Read MoreTrying to dissolve an organization engaged in political speech should not occur absent overwhelming proof that it is a criminal enterprise… When the liberal law community goes off the reservation, you can expect George Washington School of Law professor Jonathan Turley to offer his grounded commentary on why they’re wrong. Turley, who is no die-hard
Read MoreIt’s the birthday of American sharpshooter Annie Oakley (1860), born Phoebe Ann Mosey in a log cabin just north of what is now Willowdell, in Darke County, Ohio. Her parents were Quakers from Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. Oakley had been trapping animals since she was seven and was shooting and hunting animals to support her family by
Read MoreI would bet there would be an overwhelming response in every county for a ‘Citizens Posse’. Back in the day, sheriffs would call a “citizens posse” together to go after a band of cattle rustlers, for example. Today, an Arizona sheriff is preparing a citizens posse for emergencies, such as fires, floods, or riots. Pinal
Read MoreLetitia James’s proposal to dissolve the NRA, a nonprofit organization, is alarming. The disproportionate and historically unprecedented character of the NRA penalty matters here, too. Fraud and misappropriation of funds are common scandals in the nonprofit world. The leader of the United Way of America, for instance, was found to have used organization funds for
Read MoreInfringing on the Second Amendment. NEW YORK – With gunshots ringing out inside the Westside Rifle and Pistol range in Flatiron, workers say a lot more city residents want to be licensed gun owners. “In New York City, everyone, they feel very, very threatened,” said salesman John Aaron. “They see the rioting going on, people
Read MoreProtesters Invading Seattle Police Chief’s Home Said They Were Met With Guns And Felt Unsafe
Imagine that! Neighbors denied access to a large group of aggressive protestors who tried to gain entry into Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best’s home in Snohomish County. The protesters said they did not plan on causing harm but wanted to “make some noise” and to talk to the police chief about the fate of the
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