As we well know, this wouldn’t be happening without the Second Amendment. Not to be taken for granted. Not to be permitted to be chipped away. It’s increasingly clear to even the average American that if riots come to your neighborhood, you’re on your own. The message received is increasingly be this: if your plan
Read More“The case shows the incredible power of prosecutors to decide who will be charged, and who will not. The voters have the ultimate authority to place or remove prosecutors. Prosecutors are almost never removed unless their crimes are blatant.” U.S.A. –-( At about 11:45 p.m., on 25 August, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse was in possession of a Smith
Read MoreKyle Rittenhouse – Let’s talk facts in the Kenosha Wisconsin shooting from a Lawyer’s standpoint
An excellent analysis and commentary on this shooting.
Read MoreAttorney General Becerra Continues Defense of California’s Ban on Acquisition and Possession of Large-Capacity Magazines
Becerra will not give up on his goal of depriving law-abiding citizens the ability to defend themselves and his ultimate goal of eliminating the Second Amendment. Petition filed in appellate court to rehear decision in Duncan v. Becerra SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today filed a petition in the United States Court of Appeals
Read MoreNYT supports Mr. Rittenhouse’s self defense claims. A teenager who walked among protesters in Kenosha, Wis., carrying a military-style semi-automatic rifle was arrested and faces a charge of first-degree intentional homicide in connection with shootings that left two people dead on Tuesday night. Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Illinois resident, appeared on multiple videos taken throughout the night
Read MoreFrom the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) Biden’s Civilian Disarmament Plan The Biden/Harris campaign has posted “The Biden Plan To End Our Gun Violence Epidemic” on their campaign website. To spare you the discomfort of having to read through their proposal to regulate the Second Amendment out of existence, the following are some key features.
Read More‘Another development that’s impacting the market: a federal court just struck down California’s ban on large-capacity magazines. The court battle is not over, but gun stores are preparing for supply to take yet another hit. “They’re [California] the largest gun market in the country. As a state, they buy the most guns,” Hirsch noted.’ California?
Read MoreUPDATED: Armed Civilian Tried to Stop Rioters From Destroying a Kenosha Business. Now He’s Been Arrested
Update: More information about Kyle Rittenhouse’s shootings has come to light after the publication of this article. An update at the bottom sets the record straight. Amid violent Black Lives Matter riots and arson in Kenosha, Wisc., on Tuesday night, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse opened fire at looters in two separate instances, killing two people and injuring
Read MoreI wonder how many turned in broken old guns that don’t work for $200 to buy another gun. Possibly black market. As New York City gets ready for what promises to be another violent and bloody weekend, a couple of local politicians are patting themselves on the back for a so-called gun buyback in Queens that resulted
Read MoreI agree with the author here. We all know about the enormous spike in gun sales. Thanks to COVID-19 worries, violent protests, and hysteria in general people are buying guns and all related stuff at record highs. A lot of those purchases are being made by newbies to firearm ownership including people who were pretty
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