Over the years I’ve picked up various tips from shotgun masters, and I’ve also discovered a few of my own. Try these four simple hacks to increase your effectiveness with the shotgun. Extended Spring Tension Maintenance Probably the weakest part of a shotgun is its magazine-tube spring, especially if it’s an extended magazine. People who depend
Read MoreGun buyers say they are motivated by a new destabilizing sense that is pushing them to purchase weapons for the first time, or if they already have them, to buy more. CHANTILLY, Va.— Like many Americans, two women a thousand miles apart are each anxious about the uncertain state of the nation. Their reasons are
Read MoreHuman beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without
Read MoreRead more By Joyce Lee Malcolm
Read More“When we are faced by an arch-foe, whose unparalleled ruthlessness and program of total annihilation know no bounds, the Halakha (Halakha is the collective body of Jewish religious laws derived from the written and Oral Torah) demands that we fight and resist to the very end…”
Read More“Harris’s understanding of the Second Amendment within our system of federalism is even more stunted. As the attorney general of California, she signed on to an amicus brief claiming that governments have complete authority to wholly ban handguns — an assertion that has been repeatedly rejected by courts and historians alike.” It comes as no surprise
Read More“Thousands of high-powered firearms and other military grade weapons were shipped from the United States to Mexican drug cartels – with the support of federal agents during the Obama administration.” Thousands of high-powered firearms and other military grade weapons were shipped from the United States to Mexican drug cartels – with the support of federal
Read MoreReality on the ground makes this logical. At the beginning of the year, Michael Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing group, Everytown for Gun Safety, pledged to spend $60 million in 2020 to ensure their agenda was front and center for the Democrats during this election cycle. They recently filed their third-quarter financial report and the reality of the
Read MoreJudge Roger T. Benitez was born in Havana, Cuba, on December 30, 1950. He knows a thing or two about an oppressive government. U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- On 23 September 2020, Judge Roger T. Benitez issued another impressive order in a case involving the Second Amendment. A number of California residents, firearm businesses, special interest groups, foundations, and a political
Read MoreTop 5 – Best States for Concealed Carry 1. Arizona 2. Kansas 3. Idaho 4. Kentucky 5. New Hampshire Each year, Guns & Ammo ranks the “Best States for Gun Owners,” our survey of each state’s gun laws and firearms culture. In the past, we have also focused on each state’s concealed carry laws but, for a
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