Take an example from Lauren Boebert. Never back down. Never give an inch. Stick to our guns. Embrace our God-given rights. And we will prevail. Members of Congress enjoy a lot of perks. Among them is the right to carry a firearm even while they’re in the halls of Congress. But a group of Democrats
Read MoreRestricting access to firearms, infringing on our 2A, to make law-abiding citizens defenseless will always be a threat to us. So there’s never a time to let down our guard. We’ve finally put 2020 in the rear view mirror, but unfortunately there’s more rough road ahead for those of us engaged in the fight to
Read MoreWhile I commend them for “embracing self-defense in 2021 a year after a horrific attack”, this should have been learned in 1939. It was December 28th, 2019 when a disturbed man entered a home in Monsey, New York where folks were gathering for a Hanukkah celebration and used a knife to stab five attendees. In
Read MoreWhat does the Second Amendment say? Is gun ownership a right for all Americans? Or just for a small militia? Eugene Volokh, Professor of Law at UCLA, explains what the Founding Fathers intended. Watch full presentation and video
Read MoreGood information for those who may not know about what the ATF is targeting … this time around. Heard about the ATF taking on pistol braces but feel a little lost as to what’s going on? With the sides battling on and off for years, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and confused as
Read MoreDespite many of our valid disappointments with the NRA, the left cannot win be allowed to win this lawsuit’s efforts to dissolve the NRA. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr announced just ahead of the Christmas holiday that Georgia has joined a coalition of 16 States that have filed an amicus brief supporting the National Rifle
Read More‘According to multiple law enforcement agencies, the scam involves texts or emails warning the recipient that “today is the last day” for them to apply for a concealed carry license.’ Alongside the record-setting pace of gun sales across the country, we’re also seeing a sharp increase in the number of people applying for their concealed
Read MoreWhy Frederick Douglass, JFK, and Sam Adams Saw the Second Amendment as a Right That Preserves All Others
‘A single look at Biden’s ”Plan to End Gun Violence” demonstrates the Second Amendment is on life support.’ At a campaign event in New Hampshire earlier this year, Joe Biden addressed the topic of individual gun ownership and offered a glimpse into how progressive politicians view those who believe the Second Amendment to be sacrosanct.
Read More“The ATF has a long and storied history of not respecting the Second Amendment rights of ordinary Americans. Unfortunately, we’ve kind of been stuck with them. After all, they’re the agency charged with regulating the firearm industry, and they do seem to enjoy their regulations.” Neither do the anti-gun rights people and groups. The ATF
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