This once was common in America. Along with the Constitution. Finally, a researcher whose work seems to support, rather the attack, Second Amendment rights. David Schwebel, a psychology professor, and his associates describe a training program to improve children’s ability to safely deal with guns. Perhaps surprising to those who read academic studies regarding firearms, they imply
Read More“A truthful evaluation of the history and origins of the right, along with the written record of the Framers would throw out ALL Federal gun control for violating the 2nd Amendment. And via application of the 14th Amendment would then throw out ALL gun control in all the states.” While new President Joe Biden has
Read MoreThe Holocaust was not about some Germans being rude. It was about the systematic elimination of every Jewish man, woman, and child from the face of the earth. The first Holocaust memorial planned for the grounds of any U.S. state capitol was approved Thursday by the Ohio State Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board. Privately funded, it
Read MoreWhat happened to innocent until proven guilty? WASHINGTON, D.C. –-( A federal judge stripped two former police officers from Rocky Mount, Virginia of their Second Amendment right to bear arms as they await a trial of charges related to the U.S. Capitol Riots that took place in January. Judge Christopher Cooper originally stripped Jacob Fracker,
Read MoreAmericans know who’s in the White House and what they intend to do to gun rights. That’s why they continue to buy every damned gun they can get their hands on. Two things sell guns in America, civil unrest and politics. Outside of Portland, the civil unrest has mostly disappeared in recent months (amazing, huh?)
Read More“Banking discrimination is a real concern. National financial institutions are pushing “woke” social activism from their boardrooms and discriminating against firearm businesses that rely on banking services, loans, lines of credit, and payment processing services. It’s a privatization of the illegal Operation Choke Point and banks are doing this despite the fact they received taxpayer-funded bailouts and
Read More‘Through ignorance or intent, they’re conditioning a public that doesn’t know any better (as evidenced by the idiot way most answer polls) to accept the same lies that led to “walking” guns across the border and untold deaths, all as part of a cynical and evil mine-salting swindle to gin up support for more citizen
Read MoreThe “Sex” box has been revised to include a third option of “Non-Binary”. Genderqueers now have the option to check “non-binary” on Form 4473s. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) put out a notice to the public to revise the Firearms Transaction Record (4473) in December of 2019. Included in the proposed revision was language
Read MoreAll gun control needs to be undone. Shall not be infringed. You know the thing: The Second Amendment. Washington, DC – -( We’ve been there before: Far-Leftist Democrats try to foist extreme unconstitutional gun control that was actually drafted in the offices of gun-hating lobbyists. But, rather than call out this legislative garbage for what
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