‘The best gun owners can hope for is that it won’t be a pressing priority unless something comes up, and she’ll be so in over her head and busy trying to keep from being overwhelmed that she’ll keep her focus on other things. But if you think she’ll live up to her 2012 rating and
“When considered in the context of prohibitions against the government, the Second Amendment reads as a clear rebuke against any attempt to restrict the citizenry’s gun ownership. As such, it is as necessary an ingredient for maintaining that tenuous balance between the citizenry and their republic as any of the other amendments in the Bill
Read MoreCourt Rules Smith & Wesson Has to Turn Over Internal Marketing Documents to New Jersey Attorney General
“Translation: We can’t get the PLCAA repealed any time soon, so we’re going to attack gun makers from a variety of angles using a number of different approaches. We’re going to bury gunmakers in lawsuits to drain cash and hey, of one of these succeeds, great!” The effort by the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex to
Read MorePeople are shocked at the restrictive gun regulations in Israel. Here’s some good news on that. [News Story] 12:36am Israeli Gun License Applications Jump by 500% Here at the Muqata, we’re advocates for properly trained good citizens having guns. There have been a number of terror attacks in Israel that could have been stopped or
Read MoreRice’s anti-gun history is well documented. Biden was selected to be the Manchurian president. That he is senile is a bonus to have Kamala take over. God help us. Joe Biden got lost in the bushes outside the White House Wednesday, after returning from a long weekend at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden walked right past
Read MoreThey will take the money and do what they do. They are criminals. When I was a kid, I got money for good grades on my report card and doing chores around the house. What I didn’t get money for is not screwing up. What I got was not being grounded, which seemed like a
Read More“May Issue” is very subjective and open to interpretation, with no standard or universal definition and application of “good,” “exceptional,” or “Justifiable” cause or need for issuance of a concealed carry permit or license. Some say it is not even necessary to even go through the process and possess such a permit. The Supreme Court
Read More“Trojan Horse Gun Control” U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- There they go again. Antigun Democrats introduced legislation to force Americans to lock up their firearms in their homes. It’s another one-size-fits-all mandate from the government. The U.S. Constitution would like a word. U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin (D-Va.) is no stranger to gun control. He’s backed nearly every antigun bill introduced
Read MoreAnother discussion on the upcoming 2A case SCOTUS has agreed to take on: New York’s very restrictive “may issue” law. And a test to see if we were right to support President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 3rd. That’s when the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in
Read MoreSoto-Ramos did what any of us were likely to do. He protected the lives of himself and the people he cared about. He put down the threat and defended the lives of his friends. But because he didn’t try to get away first–something he may not have even realized was possible, much less required–his live has
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