It’s self-preservation. I can’t blame the police. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept 13 (Reuters) – Bullets crashed through the walls of Brandy Earthman’s house on Minneapolis’ north side one evening this summer. The shots sheared through the door of the living room where her children were playing. One severed a bone in her 19-year-old son’s arm. The gunfire
Read More“In an era where trust in media and the federal government are trending to all-time lows, concerns over crime have surged, and parts of the country have been all but forfeited to criminals, Frum’s new war will be a tough sell.” Canadian-born political commentator and George W. Bush-era speechwriter David Frum has taken a break from promoting actual wars in
Read MoreWhy some of us question the relationship between doing well in competitive shooting vs. self-defense shooting
Why some of us question the relationship between doing well in competitive shooting vs. self-defense shooting. Why some of us question the relationship between doing well in competitive shooting vs. self-defense shooting. The first-place finisher in this match: 1) Shot two no-shoots. (As did one other shooter in the top 12.) 2) Had 7 shots
Read MoreAs Americans are taking ownership of their Second Amendment rights, the appetite for stricter gun control is fading. There’s an interesting shift concerning Americans’ attitudes toward guns and gun control. Pew Research Center, a Washington, D.C. think tank that tracks attitudes on social issues, public opinion and demographic trends updated their research on guns. Gun
Read MoreAn interesting read about history. On June 6, 1944, in conjunction with the naval landings of Operation Neptune, the U.S. Army sent in two airborne divisions to land behind enemy lines in Normandy, France, as a part of the overall D-Day landings. One of these two divisions was the 101st Airborne, who wore the now legendary “screaming
Read MoreThe increase of women shooters has been going on for years. Good thing. Women have bought almost half of all guns purchased since the beginning of 2019, reported The Wall Street Journal on Sept. 16. Preliminary results of the 2021 National Firearms Survey, obtained exclusively by The Journal, found that about 3.5 million women became new gun owners between January
Read More“Once a checker finds a story they don’t like, usually because it offends their leftwing politics, they call a likeminded source or two, get a couple quotes and then, as young Mr. Funke demonstrated, label the entire story false. To be clear, these are judgement calls by young reporters of stories they cherry-picked themselves.” USA
Read More“The new Constitutional Carry law in Texas has been in place for a week now, and not surprisingly the state hasn’t devolved into a dystopian hellscape or an anarchic free-for-all, despite the predictions of doom from the gun control lobby.” The new Constitutional Carry law in Texas has been in place for a week now,
Read More“Let’s put this all in perspective. Say a President signs the Treaty and the Senate ratifies it. Then say a President attempts to use it to curtail the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens, including banning the manufacturing of firearms or ammunition. Then people would be justified, if not obligated, to remove such a President if
Read More‘Even though the Biden Administration is pulling Mr. Chipman’s nomination for head of the ATF, they are still looking for a position for him in occupy. This search for a job leads gun rights advocates to worry that the White House might appoint him to the “Gun Czar.” Biden in the past has considered Beto
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