There’s no way to make sense of what’s absolutely senseless. A federal appeals court on Wednesday vacated a gun rights ruling from July finding unconstitutional laws that prevent young adults under age 21 from buying handguns. A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit dissolved its ruling because the Virginia woman who initially
Read More“There is lots of law for the law-abiding. There is practically no law for the lawless — and few consequences for lawbreaking.” Gun-control advocates sometimes complain that, when it comes to guns, it’s the Wild West out there. And they are right — but not in the way they think they are. There is lots
Read More‘While Chipman may not be running BATFE, in one sense, Chipman’s become more dangerous to our Second Amendment rights. As “gun czar,” he not only will be in closer proximity to Biden (and thus, influencing decisions), but he can direct efforts from the entire federal government. United States – -( Second Amendment supporters have every right to
Read More“Norming is part of a deliberate strategy designed to transform culture by changing society’s expectations about what is proper and what is expected.” [Ed: Dr. Mauser first published this at Ammoland August 31. Norming is a powerful tool used by anti-gun activists to change culture, leading to changes in politics and policy, just as dangerous to Americans
Read MoreThis is all part of the Left’s all-out war on guns. The mission is to eliminate the private gun industry and ownership. WASHINGTON, D.C. –-( A leak provided to AmmoLand News by our inside sources shows the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is starting to investigate COVID relief fraud. The ATF Financial Investigative Services
Read MoreIt greatly saddens me that this is happening. “The request letter noted that as of 2014, the LAPD had approximately 40 employees whose job it was to analyze social media, monitor individuals and groups, and collect online information about them and their activities.” Last year, the Brennan Center for Justice requested under California’s freedom of
Read MoreStatistics. In our previous data study on the initial effects of the pandenmic on our business, we outlined increased sales due to the public’s growing leeriness of COVID-19, starting from February 23, 2020 when the news coverage became ominous. That’s only part of the story, however, because over the last 18 months, we’ve experienced a
Read MoreInteresting research results. Guns are deeply ingrained in American society and the nation’s political debates. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, and about a third of U.S. adults say they personally own a gun. At the same time, President Joe Biden and other policymakers earlier this year
Read More“… if you are interested in reducing violent crime, then you might want to consider policies that have at least a little something to do with violent criminals and the ways in which they actually arm themselves.” In the latest issue of National Review, I write about the lax enforcement of our gun laws and touch on a theme
Read MoreA reminder of how those who want to disarm law-abiding citizens frame their narrative. Let’s take a look at how well Joe Biden is doing with his gun safety agenda. We call this gun safety, people, because “gun control” makes a lot of politicians nervous. And really, what the heck? I’m going to go out
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