Singling out and stigmatizing “morally tainted” gun owners is one strategy being used to publicly humiliate, ostracize and ultimately “cancel” them. U.S.A. – -( One of the sources I consult to find topics to help keep gun owners apprised of relevant information is, a website that hosts research papers. Included among those are many papers dealing
Read More“These postings are a shot at the 2nd Amendment and are just altogether unconstitutional. How are law-abiding citizens supposed to not only feel but know they can protect themselves from harm when there are obstacles like this?” Virginia rest stops are the new locations of unconstitutional postings thanks to “No Guns” signs that are now present.
Read MoreThe only reason the Biden admin is doing this now is to further restrict our ability to defend ourselves. Against them. Americans, already facing an ammo shortage, will soon no longer be able to purchase Russian-made ammunition. The Biden Administration announced on Friday it would stop approving new permits to import Russian-made ammo and guns.
Read MoreThe entire country should be Constitutional Carry. That’s why we have a Constitution. Constitutional carry is and should be the goal for pretty much every state in the nation that doesn’t have it yet. Right now, though, a lot of states do have it. However, there are still a lot of states that don’t have
Read MoreEnough debates. Just go out and get it already. It protects you, your family and everyone in the community. It’s been scientifically, mathematically and statistically proven to make everyone safer. The communities that got them are overwhelmingly safer. The chances of side effects or accidents are so unbelievably small that it’s completely absurd to not
Read MoreChicago Mayor Lightfoot Blames Guns for Bloody Weekend That Claimed Life of Female Police Officer
“Blaming an inanimate object for complex and violent human societal problems is a good way to make it look like you’re “doing something”, while doing absolutely nothing.” The city of Chicago was once again the scene of a bloodbath over the weekend, with 67 people wounded in shootings and at least 8 deaths. One of
Read MoreBut, but, but she wants you to know she supports the Second Amendment. (Warning: Difficult to watch)
Read More‘The best gun owners can hope for is that it won’t be a pressing priority unless something comes up, and she’ll be so in over her head and busy trying to keep from being overwhelmed that she’ll keep her focus on other things. But if you think she’ll live up to her 2012 rating and
“When considered in the context of prohibitions against the government, the Second Amendment reads as a clear rebuke against any attempt to restrict the citizenry’s gun ownership. As such, it is as necessary an ingredient for maintaining that tenuous balance between the citizenry and their republic as any of the other amendments in the Bill
Read MoreCourt Rules Smith & Wesson Has to Turn Over Internal Marketing Documents to New Jersey Attorney General
“Translation: We can’t get the PLCAA repealed any time soon, so we’re going to attack gun makers from a variety of angles using a number of different approaches. We’re going to bury gunmakers in lawsuits to drain cash and hey, of one of these succeeds, great!” The effort by the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex to
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