“Yet, for all their shortcomings, the Maccabees leave us with an empowering message that resonates in all times and all places: Never cower in the face of tyranny. Do your part, trust in G‑d, and success is sure to come.” The Maccabees were a band of Jewish freedom fighters who freed Judea from the Syrian-Greek occupiers during the Second Temple period.
Read More“The eternal light of Jewish freedom was never extinguished. Today, it shines brightly in the Middle East’s only democracy, and its example continues to inspire people of diverse faiths.” Hanukkah celebrates the Jewish war for independence in the second century B.C. Although many gentiles know about dreidel games and menorahs, the history is unknown to
Read MoreNever Again. Lessons from the past year, and from past decades. Never give up! Never surrender! Fine words from a fine movie, but also a lesson of recent weeks, months, and years, and something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while. I’ve often used the example of gun rights progress as proof that determined work can overcome
Read MoreShared from Bill Cawthon, Author and consultant on Second Amendment issues. One of the cases currently vying for certiorari is Ocean State Tactical v. Rhode Island, a challenge to Rhode Island’s confiscatory ban on magazines holding more than ten cartridges. Unlike other laws, which grandfathered in magazines owned prior to the law”s effective date, the
Read MoreDoes Use of Force Scenario and Shooting in Chicago Prove Futility of Gun ‘Turn-in’ Events?
‘One final observation to note about turn-in events has to do with potential motives. Turn-in events “could result in an increase in the sale of newly manufactured, well-functioning guns,” the study stated. “Anecdotal evidence indicates that some GPB participants turn in their guns to upgrade to better weapons.”’ Just one week ago we were reporting on
Read MoreThe Slippery Slope is one issue that frightens me the most. The federal government has asked a Fifth Circuit panel to rule it may legally disarm citizens under domestic violence protective orders without any explicit finding that the person poses a credible threat of violence. Wait, did I read that correctly? Before we can even discuss
Read MoreThe fact that gun control proponents refuse to consider any option other than gun laws should, at the very least, make you wonder what their goal really is. Let me just say this, absolutely no one wants kids getting shot & killed. No one! Gun control proponents scream & blame gun owners for the deaths
Read MoreDavid Hogg’s time in the political limelight has mostly revolved around nothing more than his having been a student at Parkland and him parroting the media’s preferred line about firearms. He’s not done anything else of note, but they still adore him for just those reasons. Hell, it’s the only reason he got into Harvard
Read MoreSo, you’ve decided that buying a gun is the right decision for you. And why not? They’re fun. You can protect yourself and your home. You can use them for sport. Best beginner handguns. We’re going to help you navigate the process of purchasing a new gun online so that you can enjoy your newest addition as
Read MoreStaying current in self-defense training Many times, while teaching at Gunsite, I get asked how often a person should be training to not only stay sharp, but to build on the skills they just learned. While I wish there was a perfect and easy answer of “shoot this many times and this many rounds and
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