Our nation is rapidly approaching a point where drastic action will be necessary to stop our downward spiral and prevent the abrogation of our precious freedoms. While every sane person fervently hopes that the Republic can be saved without resorting to violence, that seems less likely with each provocation perpetuated by the statists. We are
Read MoreJews Can Shoot will have recommendations for you on a variety of items related to guns, shooting, training, Second Amendment, and whatever I find that may be of interest to those receiving our newsletter. This week we’re featuring books by various authors and dry fire home training aids. As an Amazon Associate I earn from
Read MoreGuest post by William “Bill” Waddell. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I have no formal legal training, and I am not licensed to practice law in Arizona or in any other state. Any statement or assertion I make in this post represents my own understanding of the law from a layman’s perspective. Nothing in
Read More“Don’t worry, we’re not going to take away your guns.” What they’re really saying is, “you should be very scared because we are able to take away your guns and we have every intention of doing so.” USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- The anti-gun crowd will use several different strategies to change the narrative around guns, and encourage
Read MoreCommentary: 12 Incidents of Defensive Gun Use Prove Armed Civilians That Make Situations Safer
“Almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, according to a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” I testified earlier this month at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Chicago on underlying causes of the spikes
Read MoreThe anti-gunners will continue to try anything and everything to disarm law-abiding citizens. Like throwing spaghetti against a wall, some of it may stick. We must remain vigilant in our efforts to protect our Constitution and 2A. U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- The Nevada legislature passed and Governor Sisolak signed into law AB 286 on June 7, 2021. On June
Read More“Who seriously believes violent sociopaths who kill for petty gains, over disagreements, for revenge, or just because they feel like it, and do so without remorse, need permits to get as many guns as they want? Who seriously believes putting restrictions on people who don’t victimize others will do anything to change that, except to
Read More“Every gun is supposed to be a ghost gun. It is none of the government’s or anybody else’s business what guns you buy, make, or sell as those activities are covered under the 2A” So-called ghost guns are terrifying to someone who doesn’t believe in private gun ownership. After all, if people can make their
Read More“Simmons and Hackney are clearly taking this on from a “racial equity” standpoint, but I find it hilarious that two people who want to disarm you because of what criminals do are willing to propose a bill that reduces the penalty for what criminals actually do.” I came of age in the 1990s, the era
Read More“The year 2021 may be recalled as a year loaded with important stories revolving around the Second Amendment, but by far the most significant gun rights story of the year is about what didn’t happen: Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda stalled on the runway of reality.” The year 2021 may be recalled as a year loaded
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