USA – -( The voting commission for which Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach serves as vice chair is considering a proposal to subject voters to the same background checks as gun owners,” The Kansas City Star Editorial Board complained Monday. “Because ballots are at least as scary as bullets.”
They were attempting to discredit President Donald Trumps’ voting commission, and going to the predictable and worn Alinsky Rule 5 playbook. That’s because ridicule is easy and cheap. But in this case, it’s also pretty close to the truth in spite of the snark.
Ballots can end up being scarier, as they can result in ambition über alles politicians being rewarded with power. That power in turn can result in edicts being enacted and judges being appointed who will uphold them even when it’s obvious the Founders would have deemed them tyrannical. As is demonstrable to anyone with an honest mind and an eye toward history, the leading cause of human misery and death has been and is democide. And as Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has amply demonstrated, much of that has been enabled and abetted through citizen disarmament.
by David Codrea