If members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and their guns are the root cause of gun violence, as the Left would assert, then why did nothing happen when almost 82,000 of them showed up in Atlanta this past weekend?
If something did happen, finding a news story about it is nearly impossible. Several searches including terms like “gun violence at NRA” and similar terms produced – you guessed it – nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.
As a side note, one can learn everything he needs to know about the left-leaning nature of the press by attending a conservative event in person and then watching how it is reported on in the news. While a local “reporter” immersed herself in the middle of the few dozen protestors, as if it were the big event to report on, the 82,000 gun owners moving here and there were ignored. There were probably more gun owners and NRA members in the bathrooms inside the convention center at any given time then there were protestors outside. Imagine filling most any stadium in America to capacity, and that’s what you had in gun owners crammed into the Georgia World Congress Center. Additionally, the acres of booths were manned by even more gun enthusiasts displaying firearms and accessories in their spaces.
by Steve Sheldon