C.E. Dyer reports that the number of murders in Chicago keeps rising throughout 2016 in the city led by liberals, with strict gun-control measures that have, as predicted by common sense, done nothing to curb the violence.
Breitbart reported:
At first, the 2016 murder figures for gun-controlled Chicago drew attention by hitting 500, which was 32 higher than the total number of murders in 2015. Then the number of murders rose to 700, followed by a Chicago Tribune report that the number of murders between January 1, 2016, and December 6, 2016, hit 731.
Consider these figures from the Tribune: there were 437 murders in Chicago in 2011, there were 506 in 2012, 420 in 2013, 416 in 2014, and 468 in 2015. And now the city is on the brink of 800 murders in one calendar year.
Seventy individuals were shot over Thanksgiving weekend and, more recently, over 40 were shot during the Christmas weekend. In fact, the murder rate in Chicago is so high that it is skewing national murder figures for 2016. Yet the media is largely mum on the soaring death rate, as covering it honestly would mean admitting that gun control has actually endangered lives, rather than saved them.
Here we are at the end of 2016 with just days left to go, and as Breitbart reported, the number now sits at 768 in the city wracked by violence and policies that do nothing but make the problem worse.
by thefederalistpapers.org