A lot of people debate the advantages and disadvantages of the striker and hammer fired pistols. There are definite pros and cons to both systems, but people tend to try to label one or the other as a winner over the other. I find it more helpful to merely evaluate ad judge the systems for what they are good at and where they shine. There are considerations that one must take when looking at using one of these types of pistols and I want to give you my take on this subject.
A striker fired pistol can have a couple of different methods of operation. There is the Glock style striker, which is classified as a double action because the sear brings the striker to the rear before dropping, causing the striker to release. Then there is the PPQ style of striker system where the striker is 100% cocked and ready to fire. This system is classified as a single action trigger system since all that happens is the dropping of the sear. The good thing that this system brings to the table is that the trigger pulls are typically light and offer a very quick and relatively short trigger pull, resulting in good results when shooting for accuracy. This system is also praised for being more simple and being very reliable overall. Also these systems tend to be very inexpensive to make due to their simplicity. The problem I have seen is the striker systems have issues with light primer strikes at times if the striker channel gets too dirty. Also with the triggers having a short pull, it can result in premature discharges if you are not careful and maintaining good trigger discipline.