This correspondent walks into a Walmart about once a week to monitor local ammunition prices. Long experience has demonstrated that no gun signs are seldom noticed. Some effort is expended, attempting to do better at noticing them. At the entrance of Walmart, a sign mentioning a firearm was noticed, in relatively small letters, among other information, toward the top right corner of the entryway. The notice said:
Kindly refrain from openly carrying a firearm.
This correspondent is armed nearly all the time. Whether a firearm is carried openly or concealed or firearms are carried both ways, depends on what is deemed most advantageous for the particular time and place. Open carry is especially effective as a political statement. Open carry is not as necessary or useful in Arizona since the state restored Constitutional Carry in 2010.
This correspondent carried openly in the local Walmart in May of 2021 and met another customer there who was carrying concealed. At the time, Walmart did not ask this customer to leave the store.
By Dean Weingarten