“Despite Bondi’s Support for Gun Control, Republicans Drop the Ball on the 2A While Democrats Pledge to Defend Infringements.”
I fear the Republicans will fail us. Again.
Not a single Republican Senator on the Judiciary Committee asked Pam Bondi about her commitment to the Second Amendment today—despite her past support for ‘red flag’ laws, gun bans for 18–20-year-old adults, and more,” Gun Owners of America posted on X.com Jan. 15. “What gives, Senators?”
It’s more than a legitimate question, especially considering how Republicans couldn’t be enjoying majorities in the House and Senate, and Donald Trump in the Oval Office, were it not for gun owner support, based in large part on grandiose campaign promises. Add to that, GOA had sent out a national alert to its members five days before the confirmation hearing asking them “to contact your Senators and urge them to demand answers from Pam Bondi so gun owners know exactly where she stands on the Second Amendment.”
That was supplemented with an effort by this correspondent, contacting Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans suggesting relevant questions based on Bondi’s past actions and pending opportunities, including:
By David Codrea