The image of private buyers destroys the “guns are bad, turn them in” message.
At the Columbus, Ohio, gun turn-in/”buyback” event on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at least two private buyers were seen looking for deals. In the event’s coverage, this correspondent did not find any mention of the private buyers. The cameraman could not resist their compelling image. The image of private buyers destroys the “guns are bad, turn them in” message. In an event where city officials are deliberately paying “more than market value” in gift cards, it is difficult to find bargains. Once the gift cards run out, the dynamic reverses. Cash in hand is better than no gift cards. From
The Columbus Office of Violence Prevention says they ran out of gift cards early, and they are thanking everyone for coming out and participating.
Most programs have highlighted the guns collected with pictures of them on tables. This correspondent was unable to find images showing the guns in the coverage of the 2024 event. Numbers have been released. From
Authorities said 234 firearms were collected in total at the event on Saturday, including:
- 96 AR weapons
- 44 pistols
- 38 rifles
- 33 shotguns
- 23 revolvers
By Dean Weingarten