The author concludes and with which I agree: Unless there’s some compelling evidence to the contrary that the D.A. is unaware of or isn’t sharing with the public, it sounds to me like the only person who should be facing charges is recovering in a hospital.
Even the District Attorney in Newton County, Massachusetts says Scott Hayes was attacked and tackled to the ground before he pulled a gun and shot his assailant. So why is Hayes in court today facing charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury?
Here’s how Newton County District Attorney Marian Ryan describes what led up to the shooting on Thursday night:
Speaking at Newton Police Headquarters, Ryan said a group of pro-Israel protesters had gathered in the area when they became involved in a confrontation with a man on the other side of the street.
Ryan said the man on the other side of the street stepped into the road multiple times. After both sides continued to exchange words, Ryan said the man “came very rapidly across the street” and tackled Hayes, who was part of the pro-Israel group. A scuffle ensued and Ryan said Hayes shot the man.
Ryan said Hayes legally possessed the gun he used in this incident.
By Cam Edwards