This article by Daniel Greenfield is from November 9, 2018, shortly after the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The rabbi of this synagogue had blogged a month before the shooting about the virtues of gun control. I have some of that blog but the post itself has disappeared. One of the first steps to avoid being a target is not to publicize that you are defenseless – and proud of it.
There are two types of synagogues: those that believe in G-d and those that believe in government.
After the mass shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the government synagogues turned to the government with calls for gun control. And those that believe in G-d, turned to the Almighty.
And then, trusting in the Almighty to stand with them against danger, they went out and got their guns.
Morning services at the synagogue these days begin and end with guns, with talk of tactical courses, firing ranges and concealed carry permits. “If someone comes to kill you, get up early to kill him first,” the Gemara, the Babylonian Talmud, that massive encyclopedic work codifying Jewish law, advises.
By Daniel Greenfleld
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