Please send this everywhere, especially to your friends who do not understand the Constitution.
The Second Amendment says that the government can not touch in any way (infringe), on the absolute right to keep and bear, (own and carry) arms, for We the People of the United States.
The Second Amendment stops at the absolute right to keep and bear, and does not mention, the “use” of firearms. The use of firearms can never be absolute, that would be irrational, so it can never be a right.
The use of firearms is divided into legal uses, like self defense, and illegal uses, such as murder.
In order to instantly use a firearm for self-defense, you have to be able have it with you all the times you choose to. Hence the right to own and carry is absolute, including, everywhere, because the right of self-defense as with all rights, can not be turned on and off by Government. Your rights are always with you, everywhere!
The use of firearms comes, by necessity, under statutory law, and statutory law is subordinate to the Constitution, because the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and superior over ANY statutory law, regulation, executive order, or Court decision or opinion.
Therefore, any statute which seeks to touch in any way, the absolute right to keep and bear arms, in other words “gun control,” is automatically and categorically, unconstitutional.
A free Republic only exists when there are no laws that come under, “prior restraint.” In other words, anything the government thinks you might do in the future – maybe… Liberty can not exist if the government can pre-empt any exercise of rights or use of property for one person, regardless of the justification, because that also pre-empts the exercise of rights and use of property for everyone, for fear of losing their rights and property the same way.
So the question always arises as to how to “prevent gun violence” in advance? And the answer is, in a free country, sometimes you can’t, because in order for the free and law abiding to exercise their rights, you can not arrest or seize property from anyone for what they Might Do, only for what they Have Done, to break a law. To do otherwise makes the citizenry prisoners of the State.
We don’t do this to protect the criminals and their actions. Just the opposite, we do this to protect the rights and arms of the law abiding.
That’s why we have an absolute right to keep and bear arms, so that we can live in a free Republic, without prior restraint, and have the means to defend ourselves at all times, when really bad things happen, and all other legal methods have failed, should a criminal break the laws and take action against us.
Since the Courts have said that self-defense is an individual responsibility, and that law enforcement and government have no legal obligation towards our safety, your safety is on you. Which means you have to have an absolute right to the implements of your safety so you can make yourself safe.
It is irrational for anyone to argue that the government can deny, abridge, infringe, restrict, limit, or touch in any way, your right to own and carry arms for your safety and self-defense, while simultaneously arguing that same government has no responsibility or liability for your safety, and that through “gun control” can remove, restrict, give selective permission to own, prevent the use of, and more, for the very instruments of your self-defense.
And that is why the right to keep and bear arms at all times in all ways you choose is absolute. It can not be touched by government. Now, let’s go out and restore the Republic!
Please share this everywhere.
By Greg Penglis