One month from this Friday — Jan. 11, 2021 — an arraignment is scheduled in a Santa Clara County courtroom in a case that may clearly illustrate what gun rights activists see as a huge problem with state laws that allow great discretion on the part of law enforcement to decide who gets a license or permit to carry a concealed defensive sidearm.
Last month, a grand jury issued indictments naming Undersheriff Rick Sung and Sheriff’s Capt. James Jensen in an alleged scheme to trade concealed carry licenses for nearly $70,000 worth of iPads for employees of Apple, Inc., the tech giant. Also named in the indictments are Thomas Moyer, Apple’s chief of global security, and Harpreet Chadha, a local insurance broker.
If the court determines there is enough evidence to go forward with prosecution, the results might be bad for the suspects but perhaps worse for anyone defending the “may issue” philosophy. Concealed carry activists believe “may issue” never was a good idea, and in several cases, has apparently turned into a very bad system.