“Countries that are not stable tends to clamp down on civilian ownership of firearms, why, because they are scared, because the governments fear their population. They fear the electorate. Countries that are very secure in their democracy tends not to worry about armed citizens, because they know they’re doing what the people want in any
Read MoreWhat “Unsigning” the Arms Trade Treaty Means for American Gun Owners
“Perhaps the easiest way to understand the future danger the ATT posed to U.S. gun owners is the complete refusal by proponents of the treaty to limit its application to civilian arms.” Last Friday, President Trump took the historic step of ordering the “unsigning” of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty during his address to
Read MoreSecond Amendment Makes Clear: Americans Are Not Subservient To Government – Part Two
No other Nation on Earth accepts the notion that its citizens—in many instances today, as in times past, more in the nature of “subjects of the realm” and less true citizens—have an inherent, independent right to keep and bear arms. But, the founders of our Nation conceived Americans as individuals who have their own personal
Read More“…any Rabbi that says you should not carry a firearm in a synagogue, or any clergy that says it’s wrong to be armed, is unworthy of leading a congregation. […] houses of worship that state you can not defend yourself are houses of worship that you should not belong to.’ This was published directly after
Read MoreSupreme Court Says No to NYC’s Second Amendment–Avoidance Scheme
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to buy into New York City’s transparent scheme to avoid the Court’s review, and wisely denied the city’s request to indefinitely put a hold on NY State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York. It’s the Supreme Court’s first true Second Amendment case since 2010. For years,
Read MoreGun Control Is A Myth: The Second Amendment Stands Strong Or Not At All
“The Second Amendment serves a threefold purpose. One, it signals, and is meant to signal, to Government, that ultimate power and authority resides in the American people, not in Government; never in Government. Two, the Second Amendment operates as an omnipresent reminder to those who serve in Government—and who, either through deliberate design and chicanery
Read MoreLawyers Say They’d Report A Client For Legally Owning A Gun
“While I was forming an answer, many lawyers immediately said they would terminate the attorney-client relationship and contact law enforcement to report their client was potentially dangerous. The only reason offered was his firearm permits.” If your lawyer believes that having a firearm license defines you as dangerous, you may be at risk of losing
Read More“If anyone at the NRA (staff or board members) cares to fill me in, I’m all ears. “The members want to know. Otherwise, as so many have told me over the last week, they are gone. ~ Tom” I hope you were following my tweets from the NRA annual meetings in Indianapolis. The news was
Read MoreWisconsin Supreme Court Rules for First and Second Amendments in Armslist Case
The lawsuit against Armslist is a direct attack against both First Amendment and Second Amendment rights. If successful, the lawsuit would have chilled the ability of websites to allow the free exchange of information on their sites by third parties. If successful, the lawsuit would have chilled the ability of Americans to buy and sell
Read MoreU.S. Firearms Freedoms Again Being Blamed for Mexican Cartel Violence
U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “As President Trump wants to fight drugs and migrants pouring into the U.S., Mexico is reeling from bloodshed fueled by American guns, bullets and grenades pouring into Mexico,” San Diego’s KPBS News reported Tuesday. “More than 33,000 people were murdered in Mexico last year, an all-time high. The police chief of Tijuana, Mexico’s
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