The anti-gunners goal is to make the entire country a gun-free zone making every law-abiding American vulnerable. ‘”She said, ‘This guy’s going to come back and shoot the place up,’ ” Jason Nixon said. He encouraged his wife to hide a pistol in her purse and take it to work — she had training and
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It seems it’s only people like us to whom the obvious is obvious. “According to my research, which has been published in the Journal of Law and Economics and elsewhere, such laws have made it more difficult for people to successfully defend themselves and their families. Criminals became more emboldened to invade people’s homes. There
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“Prohibition is based on the false premises that standard magazines have no legitimate uses, and that their elimination has no effect on lawful self-defense,” Kopel writes. “Sheriffs and deputies possess standard capacity magazines…for the same reason that law-abiding citizens should: they are best for lawful defense of self and others. When defenders have less reserve
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To say that Donald Trump is a far better President than would Hillary Clinton have been is a truism too obvious to bear repetition. This particularly is the case with regard to the Second Amendment; not only in terms of broad policy direction, but with regard also to the regulatory actions and day-to-day decisions by
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Philanthropist supportive of Judea and Samaria, nationalist projects joins participants in shooting, martial arts courses that she founded:
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Via Martin B. Retting Gun Store, Culver City, CA: It looks like the DOJ under the fearless leadership of Xavier Becerra and Gavin Newsom is looking to clamp down on FIREARM and AMMUNITION purchases using “non-compliant” Driver’s Licenses and IDs. If you have a “Federal Limits Apply” ID/Driver’s License, make sure you either do what
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“They think we’re powerless, and they think that without big bucks and coordination from the NRA, we can’t be serious players in the political arena. It’s up to [us] to prove them wrong.” With all of the hubbub over the mess at the NRA, now seems like a good time to remind everyone that YOU
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Sitting-duck zones. Killing fields. The Virginia Pilot has just revealed that one of DeWayne Craddock’s colleagues had considered bringing a gun to work on the day he opened fire at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center, killing 12 people, including Kate Nixon. According to her attorney, Nixon decided not to bring a gun to work because
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“We need to lift those gun-free zones and give people a fair chance to defend themselves. …That’s where these sick people go…to kill people who are unarmed.” Father of Parkland shooting victim Meadow Pollack calls for the elimination of ‘gun-free zones.’ Watch the latest video at
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And I happen to know where you can get one for yourself:
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