The Question is Stupid, the Answer is Obvious!
by Scott Kirshner
Since the slaughter of 11 Jewish lives at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, there seems to be endless debate on how congregations can defend themselves from violence. The main question being asked is: Should congregants be allowed to carry firearms? I have read articles where rabbi’s say they are looking toward the Torah for guidance. Let me provide you guidance: Yes, synagogues must have armed congregants! Enough of the candlelight vigils after Jews have been slaughtered. Enough of the Facebook memes against anti-Semitism after Jews have been slaughtered. Enough of the nonsense! Defend yourself. There is no virtue in being a victim!
For far too long, Jews in America have held on tightly to their liberal anti-gun views. It has become a cultural hindrance that is costing lives. Now is the time for Jews to let go of their incoherent anti-gun stance that historically has proven deadly. If the lives of 6,000,000 Jews who were brutally starved, beaten, tortured and killed has not led you to the conclusion that you have the right to defend yourself, and that a firearm offers the best chance of survival, then you have thoroughly embraced victimhood. There is no virtue in being a victim! Here is another bit of reality relating to violence:
It takes only one act of violence to dramatically change your world for the worse. Generally, you don’t get to choose the time, location, or circumstances. It matters not that you are tired, sick, injured, or distracted. You are either prepared to respond appropriately or you are not. There tends not to be a middle ground when violence is directed at you.
It is time to stop asking stupid questions and start embracing rationale answers. And, more gun control is not the answer! Violence is a reality this is not going away. Firearms are a legitimate, ethical and moral solution to stop lethal violence that is directed at you or others. When faced with the worst-case scenario of a violent attack whether in a synagogue, restaurant, or your home, a firearm offers you a chance of survival. This is why hypocritical anti-gun advocate Michael Bloomberg has armed bodyguards. He doesn’t want you to have the right to own a firearm to protect yourself, but he has no problem spending top dollar on an armed security team to protect his life! Bloomberg abhors firearms, yet he is constantly surrounded by and protected by guns. So yes, congregants should be armed. Stop thinking about what needs to be done and start being proactive. It will save lives!
Hope is not a survival strategy and luck is not a survival tactic.
It is not enough to have armed members of your congregation. Training is a critical component to ensure the best possible outcome. These guardians must be properly trained in the use of their weapons to include marksmanship, malfunction clearing, adverse shooting platforms, low-light shooting, solo tactics, team tactics, and legal issues. They should conduct scenario-based training which exposes them to stress. They should also be trained in tactical trauma care to provide medical aid for themselves and others if injured. Remember, in an active killer incident there may be a delayed response from paramedics do to the active threat. You must have the ability to provide self-aid/buddy aid. An armed congregation is the ultimate commitment to life.
Those who choose not to carry a firearm must also be useful when violence occurs. Not everyone will want to be armed and that is fine. These congregation members can be trained in first aid to stop severe bleeding and apply chest seals. Training in the proper use of tourniquets, hemostatic agents and chest seals will save lives when seconds count and help is delayed. No more stupid questions! Arm your congregation.
Remember, there is no virtue in being a victim!