The Democrats/Left are relentless. They do not give up. Lying and manipulation is their strongest suit. That’s why any kind of compromise – regardless of how small – is ultimately a lose-lose for us. If only we were as relentless in stopping them.
Stanford researchers are promoting a study on children and guns that includes firearm related injuries and deaths for people 15-18-years-old.
The researchers refer to “children” and “pediatric” interchangeably in the study. This allows researchers to use pediatric age–i.e., one to 18-years-old–under the moniker “children.” In discussions of suicide and injuries, the study encourages the reader to ignore the fact that 15-18 are prime years for gang involvement and street crime.
The linguistic twist is evident in a Mercury News report on the study: “Firearm-related injuries are the second leading cause of pediatric death in the U.S., claiming 2,715 lives each year. Of those deaths, 62.1 percent were homicides and 31.4 percent were suicide. A child is 82 times more likely to die in our country of a firearm injury than in any other developed nation.”
Notice how the information from the study begins with “pediatric death” and ends with reference to a “child.” Readers could not be blamed for coming away from the report believing that children three and four-years-old were being targeted for homicide and the same group of children was using firearms to commit suicide.
In reality, the study includes people 15-18-years-old, prime age for gang violence and street crime (as stated above).
by AWR Hawkins