Tragically, when the sun set before its scheduled time, we lost the most noble Jew of our generation.
Perhaps more than any other, his was a life dedicated to serving Am Yisrael. Regrettably, it was a life ended abruptly in the struggle to awaken a nation that had taken to slumber only a generation after the greatest tragedy that befell its people.
Brilliant and inspired, he was an iconoclastic firebrand who left his mark wherever he walked or whenever he talked. To be sure, friend and foe alike came to understand that there was no place he was ever afraid to go, and nothing that was ever left unsaid.
With a penchant for understanding the ways of the world, and a political proclivity that was rooted to the core in his love of his people, Rabbi Meir Kahane lived his life devoted to the cause of Ahavat Yisrael. Driven by an intense passion for justice that had rarely been seen before, and lamentably that seems to be especially found wanting today, he became the most controversial Jewish spokesman of our generation.
by Meir Jolovitz