It had been a very long couple of days. My strained trapezius had been reminding me all day that I was no longer 25. And the humid Texas heat was a far cry from our dry Arizona heat. We walked into the Sushi place and downed a glass of water each before ordering the various Japanese sushi and sashimi delicacies. One member of our party had never enjoyed sushi before and images of the Terry Bradshaw commercial flashed through my mind. But after the thirst had been quenched and the first layers of raw fish had been eaten, I shook my head and asked the guys at the table – two long time staff instructors, a Navy Special Warfare operator, and a Surgeon this question.
“How is it possible that men forget how to move?”
I have been a fighter most of my life. Early on I was a Kyokushin Full Contact guy, a life long weight lifter, and a police officer in high risk assignments for 15 years. And since 2001, a professional trainer. Strength and the ability to deliver that via dynamic movement has always been a focus of my life. But in class I saw people – some younger and some older – that had no capability for any form of movement at all. And it was so evident that it could not be ignored.
by Gabe Suarez