In Trump Derangement Syndrome, still sweeping the nation, anyone less than worshipful of Hillary Clinton is a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, right-wing, white nationalist, white supremacist, and of course a Nazi, which usually comes first. This invites a look at the kind of gun control Democrats seek to impose.
Democrats and their media allies seem to assume that National Socialist Germany was fully laissez-faire on firearms. Germans lined up at Klaus’s Guns and Ammo Supply, with weekly specials on the Sturmgewehr, the first assault rifle, with a 30-round magazine. Buy now and Klaus will throw in two extra magazines, a Luger pistol, two cases of bullets, and free access to shooting ranges and gun shows all over greater Deutschland.
That’s the sort of picture that emerges from Democrats, who have little clue about actual conditions in National Socialist Germany. For that see Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State,” by Stephen P. Halbrook.
Before the Nazis took power, Halbrook notes, the liberal Weimar Republic sought to register, regulate and prohibit firearms. A 1926 order demanded surrender of all firearms and a 1926 Bavarian law barred Gypsies from owning guns.
by Lloyd Billingsley