In memory of my grandfather Leib and his parents and siblings who were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators. His parents ALTER YITZCHAK AND CHAYENA and his brothers and sisters, AVIGDOR, BERYL DOV, RACHEL DEVORAH, YAKOV DAVID, ABITUVYA, SORALEH
If a criminal organization has arms and civilians don’t then It can dominate citizens at will with little risk to itself. It also gives ambitious government officials an inordinate amount of power as they provide selective protection.
This collusion was common between the KKK and law enforcement in the Southern States during the reconstruction. There were limits to how much Government officials could legally subjugate African Americans. In order to cross those limits, they enforced their will with a criminally organization, the KKK that used violence targeting unarmed blacks and their supporters. It did not matter what rights blacks had on paper, the mob could target them at will with minimal repercussions. When the government determines who is armed, It is extremely profitable for criminal organizations to collude with ambitious government officials who are otherwise hamstrung by the constitutional checks to their power. An armed victim greatly increases the costs and risks of this racket to both the criminals and the government officials. Without widespread firearm ownership, The immense value of this protection racket makes such collusion inevitable. The primary purpose of the second amendment is to give Americans the ability to protect themselves from other Americans.
The primary lesson I take from the holocaust is that In every society, there exists groups of individuals who if given the advantage of a monopoly of gun ownership, would commit atrocities, and create a dictatorship. An aspiring dictator’s pathway towards dictatorship is to cultivate a group of loyal supporters and provide the monopoly of arms needed to support him. Build the support slowly then consolidate all at once. In America today, The hardest part of this scheme to pull off is to get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns in the “wrong hands”.
Q: What firearms are most useful for this deterrence?
A: We need those necessary to make an organized criminal hit team think twice before attacking a retired marine. Either from the targeted marine or the marines well armed and pissed off friends. I believe this includes: A handgun for everyday carry. A shotgun for O-dark-thirty home defense. A semi auto rifle for an expected attack. A long range precision rifle to protect against a person armed with a long range precision rifle.