“I never saw him coming.”
“He came out of nowhere.”
“I had no idea he was there.”
These are phrases uttered by people who end up in bad situations. They did not see the danger or threat before it became a serious problem.
Situational awareness is a term shared in countless classes and training programs, yet few people discuss in detail what it really is. Situational awareness is much more than some tactical, combat-centric skill set. It is as much of a lifestyle as it is a skill. The applications of this awareness are infinite and reach into all aspects of our daily lives. In the most basic way, situational awareness is about being plugged into your environment and the people in it. There have been sages in the past who have expressed exceptional summaries of the need for this awareness. One of the most respected was Colonel Jeff Cooper. Originally meant for military applications, the principles he shared quickly spread to those concerned about their self-defense.
by Fred Mastison